Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan. 4, 2018

Last night I told Ari she had a doctor's appointment and might possibly get shots.
That was a mistake, cause this morning she begged and begged for me to let her stay home and rest.
I told her no repeatedly that she can't just miss school for no reason and that she might not even get shots today.
She got Kai out of his swing and held him for a few minutes, and then came up to me and said "Please, I want to stay home and play with Caius and help you get stuff done."
I still said no. I knew that was just a way to try to get me to let her stay home. She had tears running down her face and she was crying and upset. She handed Kai to me.
I knew she was stressed out and I really did feel for her, but I told her, and kept telling her there was nothing to stress about that her appointment wasn't even until after school and so on.
Then I asked her if she told Glissa she wasn't going to school today cause it was going on 6:45 and Glissa was normally there around 6:30 ish. Right before I was about to lecture her on if she told Glissa not to come the door bell rang.
Then Ari got more upset because now she really did have to go. She answered the door a few seconds later, she had to compose herself first. She cracked the door and said "I'll be out in a minute" then closed it.
She was mad, and she was done talking to me. I said I love you when she was leaving, but I didn't really hear if she responded to me.

I think I watched some youtube with Caius. I showed him "Gangnam style" and "What does the fox say" music videos. He's not old enough to react, but he seemed interested for the most part. He stared at it the whole time.
I think I started watching some Miranda Sings videos too. I watched until he started getting fussy and tired again.
I may have nursed him, then we went to sleep.

We left the house just before 3pm. We were gunna meet Ari at the corned of 2nd st and C st.
I saw some kids headed my way (walking down C st.) so I headed down that way. I decided to stand next to the Mexican restaurant. I had seen Ari walking across the street with some friends. She walked right by me while I stood next to the restaurant. She didn't even see me! (She later said she noticed someone standing there but she didn't know it was me, cause she didn't look)
I decided to follow her and her friends like a creeper. I followed them for a while before they noticed me.
Ari said she needed to go home to change her pad.... she was on her 2nd ever menstral cycle!
I was kind of annoyed cause I didn't want to walk back home then back again.
But we did it.
We walked the same route we used to walk to go to my prenatal appointments. I told Ari I kinda missed walking to the doctors. I didn't appreciate those appointments when I had them. It kinda makes me sad now, like teary eyed lol. (More on this in my pregnancy/birth of Caius story)

We made it to the doctor's office, and checked in. We didn't wait for too long before we got called back. The nurse that called us back, was the same horrible one that told mom "I didn't even want to go in the room with Ari" because I had asked Ari if she wanted me to go with her, trying to give her that choice, I knew she would want me to go and of course I wanted to go. I shouldn't have even asked. What the heck. Anyways, I tried to act more confident this time around.
Ari got weighed, meausure. She was 5.1, and weighed 125lbs and then they took her blood pressure. Asked a bunch of questions. Then the doctor came in and he asked some questions. He was talking and the Kai started pooping on my lap haha. That was funny.
The three shots she had to get was a tetanus, HPV and ummm TDap? I can't remember that last one, I'll have to look it up. She did great. The last one, which the nurse did warn her, was more painful than the first two which were done in her right arm. Now she's pretty much done with her shots. She does have to come back in two months for another HPV shot and then another 6 months for it again.

We headed home. We planned on having Subway for dinner since I had coupons. I got my normal chicken, bacon and ranch sandwich on Italian herbs and cheese bread, with mayo, spinach, pickles, (I forgot the cucumbers!) olives, lettuce, oh yeah and cheddar cheese with a dash of salt and Ari had her normal 6 inch turkey on white. She has mayo, cheddar cheese, tomatoes and lettuce and that's it.
We stopped at the store to grab some stuff. We were going mainly to get some chicken thighs and rice-a-roni, but then I remembered I had all that at home. I don't remember what we ended up buying.
We got home and put away the groceries. I think we got some milk and pop. (We bought a case of pop)As I sat down, I said to Ari "Watch, as soon as I unwrap this sandwich and am about to take a bite, he's going to wake up!"
Sure enough! I sat down and started to unwrap my sandwich, and Kai, who was still in his carseat in the stroller, started grunting. So I got him out and held him for a few minutes before putting him in his little bed thing next to me.
I opened my soda, and picked up half of my sandwich, and cooed at Kai. "Can I eat one half of my sandwich please." In a happy squeaky voice. He smiled at me and I took a bite. Then I took a swig of the Pepsi.
I belch and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Kai's arms fling out, startled. I laughed so hard. I scared him! "Did I scare you!?" I asked.
He smiled real big.
I belched at least three more times, not thinking and he jumped every time. The 3rd or 4th time though he started crying and I scooped him up and cuddled him saying "it's ok"
I belched once more to try and get him jumping on camera. (I know, mean mommy!)
      Ari asked if she could stay home tomorrow if her arms were hurting her. I said "We'll see"
I thought if I said yes right off the bat, she'd plan on her arms hurting tomorrow whether they did or not haha.
I knew she'd end up staying home tomorrow, but I made go to bed at 9 anyways.
 I did my nightly chores (Ari is supposed to be helping me out, 1, because they are her pets too, but also because she wants a ferret and is supposed to be proving herself to me that she can and will take care of her pets without me reminding her... I've stopped reminding her and decided no more pets for a long time)
I fed the cats. I've got them on this wet/canned food diet. They've been on it for about two or three weeks now. I think Sage is losing some weight (She weighs about 15 pounds!)
I cleaned out the litter box and fed the dogs, after taking them out to the bathroom.

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