Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan 7, 2018

Kai woke up around 5ish. I nursed him and we went back to bed. I knew we'd be awake before 9:30 so I didn't set my alarm. We were up at like 9:15ish. I fed Kai again. Then changed his diaper and got him dressed in this cute little outfit that had fake suspenders and a bow tie.
I went in and woke Ari. She tried to talk me into letting her stay home tomorrow. I said no like 20 times, then said, Ok, you can stay home but I'm taking your Kindle. I knew that was why she wanted to stay home, then she explained she had a really good idea that she wanted to work on so that's why. So I said, no you can do it when we got home.
I got a text from mom. She apparently tried to text me last night but I didn't get it. She told me that both her ears were hurting her now and she wasn't going to church. I sent her a picture of Kai in his cute outfit.

Ari never did get out of bed, I'm not quite sure when she woke up, cause when Kai fell asleep around 11:40 ish I took a nap on the couch. He woke up a short time later. I was a little frustrated because it wasn't very long. Let's say I started Willy Wonka (on Netflix) and woke up when all the ticket winners were seeing the chocolate factory for the first time (you know where they can eat everything) So I brought Kai out and we reclined on the couch. We fell asleep and slept on and off until just before 3!! Talk about a lazy day!
I've had a bag of laundry sitting in my living room for like two weeks. And two baskets in my room sorted but not put away. So I sorted clothes. I put Ari's in one basket, and sorted Kai's clothes, from pants, to clothes to hang up to onesies (and socks) Caius had been sleeping, then he woke up while I was in the middle of sorting... I don't even bother to fold it anymore. Ain't nobody got time for that!
 Kai laying on the couch like the whole time just watching me, being so calm.
Ari put her clothes away, and I hung up Kai's clothes and put his pants away.
I fed the cats and dogs.

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