Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan 5, 2018

I didn't set my alarm clock cause I was just going to let Ari stay home.
I did go in her room last night after she was already in bed to tell her that I thought she should go to school cause I had lunch plans with Dawn and I didn't want her to stay home by herself. She said she was fine with staying by herself. I just felt bad cause I feel like I'm more ready to leave her home now, since Kai has been born. I never leave her more than a couple hours at the most.
    At 6:47 the dogs started barking like crazy. I realized that someone was the door. I knew it was Glissa. I told her and her friend that Ari wasn't going to school, but that she'd be going on Monday. Then I crawled back into bed. I knew Kai would be waking up real soon. (He'd woken up at 5:15, and I knew he'd be waking up again in an hour or so. I was right. He woke up some time after 7, close to 8. I got up and fed him and he fell back to sleep. I wondered if I should set my alarm clock for 9:30 cause Dawn was gunna be here at 10:30. I knew Kai wouldn't sleep until 10, so I didn't.
 He woke up at 9:50! We got up and I fed Caius, then I got him changed and dressed. I had done my hair, and had put my shirt on when Dawn showed up.
Zoe was scared of Dawn so I put her in her crate with Jack. I got a bottle for Caius, and grabbed my coat, wallet and diaper bag. Got Kai in his seat and we were off (after I went pee)
We gossiped on the way to Sushi Kyo.
We had lunch, then headed to Hobby Lobby. Kai had a melt down in the car. He really doesn't like car rides but it was also his nap time (just about noon or after noon) I gave him his bottle once he got out of the car, and he eventually just passed out.
Hobby Lobby store was amazing! I wanted almost everything in there! That's one place I'd go on a shopping spree at, or if I won the lottery I'd get a lot of stuff from there.
We headed home, not buying anything.
I had asked Ari if she wanted me to get her anything from sushi kyo (I even asked her if she wanted to go, but she decided to stay)
I brought her home a rice thing with shrimp on it, but I also brought her home this other thing that had sweet sauce on top with shrimp, then inside, salmon and cream cheese and something else. She didn't eat any of it, so I ate it all haha.

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