Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan. 8, 2018

I went to bed too late last night! I always do that to myself! It was like 3:39 the last time I remember checking the clock. Caius woke up when I had gotten into bed before 3am. I got back in bed around 3:15.
He woke up at 5:49, for just a moment. I had gotten out of bed, ready to pick him up to go feed him but he'd gone back to sleep. Little booger!
I couldn't go back to sleep, cause my alarm was gunna go off in about 10 minutes. I sat at my little desk for a few minutes before going in to wake up Ari.
I got Ari's cereal for her, and had already had clothes laid out for her from folding laundry last night.
She decided she didn't want to wear those clothes that I had picked out which means she doesn't like them anymore, so I told her to leave them out of her drawers if she wasn't going to wear them anymore. 
I was laying on the couch. Kai was still sleeping. Ari was sitting at the computer, she didn't seem to be doing anything.
I dosed off for a few minutes I guess, cause the next thing I knew, Ari was saying something, and she was opening the door. Glissa was here already! What the heck. It was only 6:13! (I'm very aware of time now lol)
Ari closed the door and got her shoes. I told her she could invite Glissa in. I don't remember what she said, but she complained about not being able to eat her cereal now. I told her she could invite Glissa and Faith (the other girl, and the reason why they leave for school so early lol)
I told her to eat breakfast at school, but I don't think she did.
She put on her sweat shirt and got her binder and backpack together and gave me a hug and kiss good bye. We said "I love you" and she left.
I think Caius had woken up before Ari left cause I think she gave him a kiss goodbye and he smiled at her.
This little dude didn't feel like going back to sleep just yet.
I had posted on Silverton Connections for sale, a lamp I had bought a few years ago at Ikea, two air plant bowls (they look like tiny goldfish bowls, but are used for air plants.) and some glass vases that I used for some betta fish that I'm give away just to get rid of them.
I also posted some twin comforters that used to be mine and Lindsey's when we were kids. We don't used them so I need them gone.
I sent messages to the two people who were interested in the plant bowls and the lamp. I was just going to leave them outside my door for them to pick up, because I was sure Kai would be napping, and then so would I.
I was so tired, and I had nursed Kai but he was still awake so I put him in his swing and laid in my bed.
I dosed off I guess cause I woke a little bit later (not much later!) to him whining a little. I should have left him cause he looked like he was ready to pass out, but I disturbed him and held him and he stayed awake!
We played a little bit and my eyes got heavier so after he fell asleep, I put him in his bed and, I'm sorry to say, I turned the baby monitor down until just one light (instead of 5) we lit up.
I laid on the couch, and put on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory and fell asleep for a bit. I woke up to him crying about two hours later.

Mom had text saying she wasn't coming over until after work, and said something about a half day. I didn't realize it was a half day. I made myself a PB&J sandwich and had a Pepsi.
After that I got Kai dressed. It was about 1ish I think. He wore a cute brown onesie, long sleeves, it had eyes on it with little ears, supposed to be a teddy bear, and some overalls over it. Super cute!
Ari got home shortly after 1:30.
Mom came over about 2:45 I think. Both of her ears were bothering her (usually it was just the left ear that always bothered her)
She had a doctor's appointment at 3:45.
We watched a documentary about Jim Carey playing Andy something. She ate some crackers lol... I'm just typing randomly now... but she really did eat some crackers. She left about 5 minutes before her appointment and I told her to text me and tell me what they say.
She ended up having a double ear infection and swollen tonsils.
Caius fell asleep around 4ish I think, and since mom had mentioned that it really smelled in Ari's room (Like cats--- we were using the Tidy Cats with Febreeze, which never smelled the way it did now. I won't use that again) So I went in and cleaned the litter box. The wall under the window was getting moldy along the base so I got the Lysol spray and sprayed that all down and scrubbed the walls. I moved the cat cage away from the freezer and under the window. I brought the vacuum back there to suck up all the hair (Sage is shedding the worst!) I moved the utility shelf (after taking all the heavy stuff off) and moved it where the cat cage used to be. (While I cleaned I put all the cats outside so they could get some fresh air and exercise)
I wanted Ari to go to the store with me, but she pretended to not feel good so she just stayed home. I was kind of annoyed about it cause I wanted her to help me out. So since she was staying home I told her she needed to take a shower.
So it was just me and Kai going to the store. I brought the cats in so they wouldn't try to follow us. I decided to make tacos for dinner. I bought tomatoes, lettuce, preshredded cheddar cheese, an onion, shrimp, imitation crab (for ceviche) cilantro and some taco chips and some honey nut Cheerios.

We got home (I left Kai in his seat) He did so good at the store. Usually he gets fussy and just wants to leave, but he just watched me the whole time. Well until we were checking out then he whined a little bit.
I took Kai out of his seat and set him in his rocker bed thing and faced him toward the kitchen so he could watch me. I put a pan on for the hamburger.
I took Kai out of his rocker thing and put him in his bumbo that Julie got him. He was so smiley and kinda watched me for a few minutes.
I thought Ari was still laying in her bed, but she was showering! Good job, Ari! I thought she had ignored that request, but she didn't.
I cut up the veggies and kind of did a "cooking show" video. It was just a goofy thing I was doing.
Kai got a little tired sitting in the Bumbo so I put him back in his rocker thing.
I dished up Ari's taco salad and realized I forgot olives. Darn it!
 I tried to eat, but now Kai was getting whiney so I held him. Then tried to eat while holding him, but he wasn't having it! lol
So I tried to get him to sleep. I nursed him while rocking him then gave him his paci, but he fought it. He was tired though. He did finally fall asleep and I put him in his bed. I took a couple bites of my food and he woke up.

I finished dinner eventually after getting Kai back to sleep. I swaddled him and gave him his binky and he passed out. I wondered if swaddling would work but he didn't sleep very long in his bed. He's just a cat napper I guess.
After he woke up I got a bath ready for Kai. I gave him a bath a day or two ago in the bathroom, but tonight I was going to set his bath up in the kitchen sink. He seems to really like baths. I washed his hair, and his body and they he got out. I dried him off, powdered him and put on his diaper and PJs. He's at that hard stage where you don't really know what to do with them quite yet. He's not into toys. He likes to be held and nursed and sleep. So I think we watched some more youtube (which we've been doing on and off all day. Watching the Ballinger family vlog, along with PsychoSuprano, ColleensCorner... all one family... which is where I got the idea to swaddle Kai. They swaddled their new baby Duncan in one of their videos. He stretched and was all happy when he was unswaddled.) I nursed Kai and he fell asleep again. It was after 8:30.
I told Ari she had to feed the cats tonight. And the dogs.
After that she was getting ready for bed.

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