Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan. 2, 2018

Ari started back to school after winter break. She had a really hard time getting to sleep the night before. She had gotten into the habit of going to bed as late as me, around 2-3 am!
She got up without any issues, probably because she was excited to see her friends.
Glissa, her friend was going to walk with her. She had said she was running late. I laid on the couch since Kai had gone back to sleep and I was super tired. I laid on the couch around 6:30.
I must have fallen asleep cause suddenly Ari was giving me a kiss goodbye. Glissa never showed up. It was 7:14 now. I felt so bad making her walk by herself. She hasn't had to. She either walks with Glissa and Faith (Glissa's other friend) or I would walk with her depending on the weather and a lot of times (too many times) I'd just let her stay home.
She had tears in her eyes, and running down her cheek, but she wasn't really crying to bad. I probably would have walked with her if Kai was awake, but I didn't want to wake him and not be able to go to sleep myself.
I was annoyed at myself for not being able to drive her.
Ari was totally fine when she got home from school.
Mom had stopped by in between her shifts. I asked her if she could run me up to the bank so I could put money in my account. Ari was falling asleep in the van.
I wanted to go to the store, so when mom dropped us off (Ari went to her room) and I pulled out the stroller. Mom asked why I didn't ask her to stop at the store while we drove by. I figured she probably wanted to get home.
Ari fell asleep in her room, but I told her that I was going to the store.
I got a few things there, but there was only so much I could get on my own.

I made steak, broccoli and rice for dinner. Ari was still sleeping.
Me and Kai just kinda hung out. Kai went to bed around 8ish I think. Could have been 9 lol.
Ari woke up at about 11pm. I said "Hi sleepy head" but I told her she was gunna have to go back to bed. She looked a little concerned, the said "I haven't had dinner yet." I said, I know, you can have dinner first.
So I cut up the little bit of steak that was left and heated up some rice. We talked a little bit I think. Then she brushed her teeth and went back to bed. I don't know if it took her a while to go to sleep or not.

I went to bed shortly after she did I think, because when I woke up with Kai, I felt like I could stay up longer than I normally do haha.

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