Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2 of 30 day Blog Challenge

Meaning behind your blog name:

My best friend Dars came up with the name for my blog. But it was for my other dog Bindi, a pug. Her eyes went in different directions.

But the moment she said the name for the blog I thought of the picture above, of our other dog Zoe. When

Zoe sniffs things close up her eyes go crossed. It's pretty funny. So because my dogs were cross eyed one

way or another, is how my blog name came to be. Plus it's funny.

Day 1 of the 30 Day Challenge-

15 Facts about Me:

1. I feel really lucky in life

2. I don't like sleeping with the door open

3. I love animals

4. I like painting

5. I'm gunna be an aunt (finally)

6. I really like Chaske Spencer ;)

7. I wish I was a stay at home mom

8. I want to travel

9. I can't wait until summer time!

10. I try to make everything perfect

11. I want another puppy

12. I love taking pictures (but need a new camera)

13.  I don't miss my apartment at all (like I thought I would)

14. I love grizzly bears (but when ever I dream of them they're trying to kill me lol)

15. I wanna win the lottery

30 Day Blog Challenge

30 Day Blog Challenge

My friend thought it'd be fun to do a 30 Day Blog Challenge- once I looked at the list I thought it'd be fun too!

  • Day 1 – Blog 15 facts about yourself
  • Day 2 – Meaning behind your blog name
  • Day 3 – Last year, in great detail
  • Day 4- Goals
  • Day 5 – List 5 places you have been to
  • Day 6 – List 5 places you want to go to
  • Day 7 – places you have lived
  • Day 8 – your favorite television program
  • Day 9 – a hobby of yours
  • Day 10 – Your favorite movie
  • Day 11 – about a recipe
  • Day 12 – A song that makes you cry
  • Day 13 – A non-fiction book
  • Day 14 – A photo you took
  • Day 15 – A photo of you taken over ten years ago
  • Day 16 – A photo of you taken recently
  • Day 17 – A photo that makes you happy
  • Day 18 – A photo that makes you sad
  • Day 19 – Original Photo of the city you live in
  • Day 20 – Your favorite quote
  • Day 21 – Blog about your nickname
  • Day 22 – Your day, in great detail
  • Day 23 – a website
  • Day 24 – A YouTube video
  • Day 25 – Something you are afraid of
  • Day 26 – Favorite Place to eat
  • Day 27- Dream House
  • Day 28 – Something you dont leave the house without
  • Day 29 – Dream Job
  • Day 30 – Something you miss

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011


I havent' blogged in forever! And I keep meaning to come back and update and add some pictures, but I just put it off. It's all Bones' fault! hehe...
I've been watching Bones just about constantly. I'm finally on the last season, well season 5 anyways. Next I was told to check out Vampire Diaries. :)

   So since last time I blogged we had Thanksgiving. It was great, and I should be happy about this, but I didn't pig out like I normally do. I didn't have enough turkey and ham. Thats ok though! Cause Christmas is coming, and we're having it at our new house.

Thanksgiving at mom's--- the goodies before the meal. This is what I always end up filling up on.

Thanksgiving at Aunt Sandy's house was fun. It amazes me to see how much my little cousins (and brother) and grown. To me they should still be like 5 or 6 years old. Now They are between 17 and 15.

Oh yeah, we haven't moved YET. Still waiting on the inspection and an appointment to go in... not sure what that will be about.

Wow! She's grown a lot since we got her in Sept.

     We've come up with a name for a kitten we were not going to keep. After 2 months of having her we finally named her Kiara. She doesn't feel like a Kiara, but I didn't want to name Simba, Simba, and that stuck lol.

Dad and Karla came down for a day. We went to the Olive Garden. That was a lot of fun. We didn't spend a lot of time together since we all had to work.
Mom, me, Darcie and Mondo went to see the much waited for Breaking Dawn on the 19th. I loved it. It was great. My hands got sweaty when Chaske came onto the screen.
Mom and I went and saw it a second time on the 20th. We wanted to see it again cause it was so good, but also because there were kids screaming and talking through a lot of it. It was better the second time!
We went right after I got off work, and Ari was going to stay with Grandpa and Karla.
The new kitty disappeared that night and mom couldn't find her anywhere. Finally after 3 hrs of looking for her, I text dad to ask if Ari happened to take the cat with her. Turned out she left her in her baby dresser. Ari was so worried dad and Karla brought her home. Good thing Shane was there cause me and mom were at the movies.

On the 23rd we lost Pawsom. She was 10 years old, almost 11 (on March 23rd) We got her from Mrs. Traeger at Kennedy highschool when I was a sophomore. Eddy came to town (from Scotts Mills---oh yeah did I mention that mom and Eddy and Shane moved to Scotts Mills? No? Well, they did!) anyways Eddy was sad I could tell. He told me and then Lindsey. I guess Shane didn't seem too bothered by it. I thought for sure he'd be upset, she was his cat! Mom was even upset even though she was always saying she couldn't wait for the cat to die. Obviously she didn't mean it! :)

So, just waiting on being able to move. I can't wait! When we move in we're gunna put up Christmas decorations right away. I hope we are out of this apartment by the 30th but that's 2 days away, and I don't see that happening.
I've got Ari a couple of gifts for Christmas already.

Oh yeah, another horrible thing. I've got puppy fever. :( Sounds bad right? That's cause it is!
   You don't know what that is? Well, it means that I'm really wanting a puppy.
But don't worry friends!!! That's not happening. Not anytime soon anyways. I keep my fix under control by cuddling with Zoe, or looking at videos on my computer :) 

TTFN  :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Complaint blog...

I didn't think I wanted to ever put a complaint in my blog, but I have to get it out somehow. Only a few people can understand how I'm feeling.

I am so frustrated with my job right now, I wish that I could just put in my 2 week notice tomorrow!
But I can not. I had the guts to do it back in Nov. 2006. Ari had just turned 1, my 'housing' was getting pretty close to kicking in (after waiting almost 2 years!) and getting my apartment. I'd actually spent my last or 2nd to last paycheck on a security deposit.
Now, unhappy with my job again, I'm waiting on my 'housing' to kick in once again so I can move.

I have resentment toward plenty of men in my life.
The number one right now being Mr BossMan. I don't 'hate' him. But I don't really like him much. Although this is part of life, I feel like he's trying to 'make' me be at work more then I am at home. I feel like he's taking me away from my Ari. I'm her only parent. I know he probably thinks he's helping me out by giving me so many hours, but truthfully I'd like slightly less. I want to let Ari do things in school, but with this dumb job I can't even attend the events she does do.... when they come up, and that... jeez it just makes me sSOOOOO mad!!
I know, I know! It's a job. I should be happy.
I am happy that I have a job. I love almost all the people I work with. I used to love my job. Whenever we'd drive by a "Drug Store" I'd say, Look! A "Drug Store". Now it's nothing. Not even curious about how it looks inside.
If I could walk away now, I would in a heart beat.
I know most people would just love to stay home with their kids and take care of things and plan things. But some people just can't. And it makes me sad... then again it makes me mad too.

I resent Ari's dad. He's not here for her. He lives 4 miles away and not once tries to reach us to see how she's doing. He knows how he can get a hold of us. He knows where we live (for now). He does not, however, have my new phone number. But there are people he can get it from that do have it. I resent him for taking away having a 'daddy' from Ari. I resent that he is free to live the way he pleases and not care what is going on in her life, if she's ok. I bet he doesn't even realize Ari is in kindergarden. Of course I'd love to get $ support from him to help out with her to make things a bit easier on us, but I would not keep him from her if he didn't pay. I wouldn't make him pay to see his child. I most definately wouldn't want him doing that to me! I don't hate him at all either. He's a very nice person. He was even a good dad when he was here. He just doesn't seem to care to put the effort into it.

Although I love my dad, I do have some resentment toward him. He took away my chance to have a dad in my life. Eddy was just a provider. Of course I love Eddy. He is like a dad. But I never saw him as my dad. Just step dad. My dad wasn't there. Of course he was great when he was... or pretended to me aways. But I hate that he took that from us. When I see girls my age asking their dads' for money or hugging and giving kisses, I find it very awkward. And that's why I resent my dad because inside I know its not supposed to be awkward.

I just wish that Mr. Wonderful would come into my life already and take care of us. I say that, but this morning I was thinking, would I even feel comfortable with someone taking care of me and my daughter? I wouldn't be able to. What's to keep him from walking away too? The others do, why would someone who isn't related to us at all want to stay with us?

So now you know, I'm not always being goofy, acting like a nerd, perfectly content with how things are. Sometimes I just want to explode and tell certain people to just shove off and quit screwing with my head!

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 2011

Well, I haven't blogged for a while:

So far Ari has started kingergarten (on the 12th)
She had her 6th birthday on the 15th followed by a party on the 18th. That turned out great!

We are preparing to move. I thought I'd be able to get a lot packed but still, here we are at the end of the month I'm still waiting for MCHA to kick in and get things rolling. Its annoying how hard they are to get a hold of!

Sept 23rd 2011. 8:42pm

Ari has a blanket tied around her neck like a cape. I walked toward her like I was gunna get her so she ran and screamed "Don't get me!" I had a little fan that I waved in front of my face and said "I won't." She said "Doooon't get me!" again, waving my fan I said "Don't worried I won't."
Ari said. "Mom! You have to get me!" haha she's so funny!

Friday, September 2, 2011

September...a month FULL of memories

Well, today is just the begining of September, but for several years it's been a month full of memories.

For more to begin with is always the dreaded begining of school. Since I no long have to dread it, it's not terrible anymore.

A memory that comes to mind is 9/11. It's been just about 10 years now (a few days more) I remember waking up in our Mt. Angel townhouse on 255 W. College st. #5. I woke to my horrible sounding alarm clock, that dreaded EH EH EH EH EH EH sound, that gives me a heart attack and drags me over an imaginary gravel road.
After turning it off I did my usual routine of going to the bathroom to wet my hair in the shower, 'dry' it with a towel and head back to my room to put it in the usual pony-tail that I've worn for several, several years. I was listening to 95.5 (back then it was Jammin' 95.5, a hip-hop station) But they weren't playing their normal music or even making fun of certain celebrites. Nope. They were talking about some darn play that crashed into some darn building all the way over in New York. A building I've never even cared to learn about.
Little did I know how big it was. I think think it was still at the point before the 2nd plane had hit, also little did I know how major this was.
But at the time, it was just some random thing that was interupting my music.
I don't remember if I switched the station or not, but I remember that when we were at school, Mr. Kuppenbender had the TV on in his room so we could all watch it.
Through out the day people were allowed to go to the library and watch it on the TV they had set up in there.
       I remember talk from the teachers that school might end up being let out early because of fear of an attack on schools. But that didn't happen. Oktoberfest was almost closed down as well. That didn't happen either.
A couple days after the attacks (durning Oktoberfest) I remember my brother Tyler (about 14 at the time) saying he didn't know what the big deal was, why everyone was freaking out about it. We were sitting outside at night with our landlord Chuck and my mom. Both mom and Chuck said it was a big deal because people were dying.
            I look back on that day, and realize how much it would scared me now then it did back then, when hardly nothing scared me.

Alright on with more memories. (I'm going in order of years so you don't think certain things are more important then others! lol) So we did 2001.... skip to 2004.

On September 1st my cat Paris was born, and on the 2nd was when I found her with her mom.

September 2005. Paris had her kittens but more importantly I had my precious most favorite little person ever. Arianna Mekenzie Jones.
Before she was born, I didn't really want to go anywhere where there might be someone I knew. I was embarrassed that I'd gotten pregnant. I wasn't with the babies dad, I wasn't married, and worst once I moved out of mom's some people said it was going to happen. I swore it wouldn't. I stayed abstanent (spelling lol) for a long time...actually until 2 months before I got pregnant lol) what a dummy.
But once that adorable baby came out screaming and looking at me I wanted 10 more kids. Some people asked themselves "What the hell did I get pregnany?! This hurts like crazy!"  Not me. Of couse I could have done without those horrid contractions, but the pushing was...well not easy but not bad lol.

Sept 18, 2005
 Arianna I believe is the best thing that's happened to me ever. I've become this nonstop talking person that talks to anyone now. Before that, you had to know me for me to want to talk to you and even then depending on who you were I was still shy.
Ari is the complete opposite of me. She's open and makes friends easy. I'm not worried one bit about her started school. Although she does have 2 years of preschool under her belt.

I remember, if you can believe it or not, my first day of kindergarten. I remember laying on the floor in the corner and a boy named Daniel was wearing sunglasses came up over me and started saying something. I don't remember what it was that he'd said, but for some reason I ended up thinking he was mean. I do remember playing house with the neighbor boy (who I didn't realize was my neighbor for a long time lol) and another boy. I was the mom, my neighbor was the dad and the other boy was the dog lol. Supposedly on the first day (I still don't think it was the first day, but mom insists that it was) I wasn't ready for recess to be over so I stayed on top of the big red slide until the who class had gone inside. Once I went down the slide I decided I'd better get inside. I tried to enter the door they'd gone in but it didn't look familar. Also it wouldn't open no matter how hard I pulled. An older boy tried to help me open it and he couldn't so he went on his way. I sat on a railroad tie they had out there. An older girl and someone who I assumed was her dad walked by. They asked if I was ok, and I think right after that my mom and teachers came out of a completely different set of doors further from the door I attempted to open.

Can you find me?
The boy that played 'dad' is on the bottom 3rd one in,
 and the boy that was the dog is bottom 2nd to last lol

There are a lot of birthdays in the month of September. A few of my favorite people aside from Ari.
There's my cousin Kendal on the 3rd and my best friend Darcie on the 26th. My aunt's birthday is also in Sept.

Happy September!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ari and her dog

You know how there is "The boy and his dog" ?

Well this time it's "a girl and her dog".

We got Bindi when Ari was about 18 months old. Ari wasn't much into her, of course she loved her, but it was nothing like the relationship between Arianna and Zoe.

From day one Zoe was Ari's dog. And ever since they've had the typical child and dog relationship. 

the ride home after picking up our new puppy

Feb 2009

Nov 2010

On Ari's very first day of pre-school we were waiting outside for Ari's bus to come.
"Where's Ari?" ~then Zoe would look for the big scary bus that took Ari away~

Once Ari stepped off that bus that dog acted as though she hadn't seen in her a LONG time and was

worried about her. She "screamed" with excitement.

Ari trying to walk as Zoe jumps up to welcome her home from her 1st day of pre-school

Zoe even slept right next to her during the thunder and lightening storm we had the other day

(while the big 'baby' labrador hid under the bed!)

Ari likes to dress her dog, brush her and help with her baths.

She nick-named her Zoe my Homie, and also gave her a middle name!

Zoe Marie Jones.

Maybe this is why I'm so fond of Zoe. Because I know how much Ari cares about her. And I know how much

Zoe seems to care about Ari.

My favorite 'story', I suppose you can call it that, is when we were up in Washington for my cousin's wedding.

It was the night before and there was a BBQ. One of the women who was to be a bride's maid was playing with

Ari in the drive way. She was chasing her around saying 'I'm gunna get you!"

But then once Zoe realized this strange woman was chasing her Ari, she went nuts! She was right on this woman's

heels barking loudly at her and trying to block her from Ari. I thought it was pretty cool that she thought she

needed to protect Ari.

Friends having fun

Ari can now take her dog out by herself on walks around the apartment complex.

Sharing a kitten together

I hope I didn't bore you too much with this post to my blog. I haven't updated in a couple weeks and decided I wanted to write about Arianna and her favorite dog.
I could sit here and ramble on about the different things these two do every day... or post more and more pictures... but there are just too many!

Alright, so I'm almost done, and this post isn't supposed to be about JUST Zoe, but I wanted to ad one more part.
Lots of people love our special little dog Zoe...

 Mom loves Zoe
Dad loves Zoe too...

Shane loves Zoe...
 Azariah loves Zoe...well kinda! lol

Lindsey really loves Zoe!
Aunt Phaedra loves Zoe...
Uncle Jimmy loves Zoe...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Not too much to report...

buuuuut, my computer is broken. I had a power shortage, or surge while vacuuming the same time my air conditioner, tv, radio, and a light were all on at the time. Anyhoo, it's happened before, but this time the computer didn't come back to life.
Yes, it was in a surge protector! lol

Another thing that's happened since last time I've blogged is that Bindi went to a new home.
 I was a bit iffy about the family since they are expecting a baby in about 4 months or so. I didn't want them getting Bindi then getting rid of her when she's too much to deal with when a new baby comes.
        They took her to the vet 2 days after they got her.

She is basically blind in both eyes. The vet said that her eyes problem is pretty much an advanced degenerative eye disease The vet gave them an ointment for her eyes.

She has a bacterial infection like a Staph infection (sort of) They'll take her back in about 6 weeks to retest her, but her skin just has a simple infection that is easy to treat

She had fleas pretty bad.

The vet said everything should go great except that her eyes will always need the ointment.

They took their other dog, Pinky in as well since she'd torn her nail off the day before Bindi went home with them.

Here is Bindi the same day they took her home. She seems to have made herself at home!
This was about an hour after they got her!

August 7, 2011- the day they took her home.
Pinky and Bindi

8-12-11 They got Bindi and Pinky new doggie beds and toys!

Friday, August 5, 2011

why am I feeling blahhh?? me no likey!

Most of this year I've been feeling great, only every so often feeling cruddy.
I've been caught up on all my bills, we've had food in the house, the dogs are fine (except Bindi as usual lol) The house is pretty clean. So what am I stressing about? The last couple days it stress from trying to figure out my foodcard. That's been fixed. It could be that my computer is broken. I think that's the main thing right now. I don't know what's wrong with it. I do everything here. I do my hair, and check my email etc... I have my lap top, but it's not the same. Ari doesn't get to play her games... although she only complained the first day.
It could be that Bindi will be leaving soon. I have only seen her a handful of times since she's gone to stay at mom's. I've been less stressed with her gone. Maybe it's the thought that I won't see her anymore...well I'm sure I might... I'll see her in pictures.

I could be feeling stressed or worried because my caseworker for my food and childcard was a jerk to me when he emailed me. I think it's cause maybe he though I was leaving 'snotty' messeges. I wasn't really, but do you ever meet someone or hear someone talking to someone else (you don't know either of those people)_ but it sounds like the one person is being rude or snotty? Maybe that's how he was thinking of me. I wasn't though! I promise! So after I emailed him and wanted to be rude back, but opted to go with being nice and starting the email with "Hello Dave, good morning!"

It could be stress from the "Pug rescue" people. They worked on opening a spot for Bindi, and after speaking with one of the women on the phone, I didn't like how she spoke to me, like I was dumb and couldn't handle my dog and what not. Then once they found out I was looking for a home for Bindi myself they kinda got irritated and rude...It's not their fault I suppose but they could be more understanding and less rushing with this kind of decision. I still don't understand why they wouldn't let me send my info with Bindi

Anyways, I really how no reason to be stressing much. Bindi will be better, the computer will get fixed...maybe not until next week, but it will.
We get to go see Chaske in March... Breaking Dawn movie will come before that so I have a bit to look forward to!
I'm just not feeling as confident as I had been before. Feeling good about myself. I quess with the rudeness I feel like I'm getting it making me feel cruddy... who knows!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another Twilight Convention!!!

I really was hoping another convention would be coming close to home... either Portland or Seattle. So far

there is nothing that close through April of 2012! So after playing around with prices and stuff and really

hoping to go to one in New Jersery (but thats like next weekend!) I've decided since there are a few

conventions and one in March 2012 (but in Illinois) I'm going to take, mom, me and Ari to it using money I'm

continuing to save up and will more by next tax season. We'll be able to do more then then last time (which

was fun, but this time will be much more fun!) When I told Ari that we were going to see him again she got

really excited and said "I missed Chaske!" I laughed. We have to keep telling her that it's not for several


I'm not just SUPER excited about seeing Chaske again, but also about staying in a motel. I like motels... most of them anyways

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bindi going bye bye?

***Update 7-26-11***
I emailed the Pug rescue and let the woman I'd been emailing know that giving Bindi up is a for sure deal and I'd like to do it sometime next week. I also let her know I'd like to give my email address for the new owners to keep in contact but they won't even do that! They won't give JUST my email to them! They're making me not want to send her off with them. Grrr! Thank you people for making this a harder decision!

Hmmm.... :::chewing on my lip:::

Bindi and Arianna our first night with the new puppy

She seemed like a perfect 'ugly'/cute pug (at first!)

For the past year or more I've been saying I'm going to 'get rid' of Bindi and her problems. Never happens. I've stopped telling people, only saying it to myself that she's gotta go.
          Ever since I got this little googly eyed pug, well about a month or so after I got her, she's been consistantly itchy!
In the beginning I thought it was my inconsistancy with flea meds, but 4 years later know it's not that!
        After getting our first Christmas tree, she poked her eye ball on one of the branches (doubtful that the cat went over and poked her eye!) She almost lost her eye, but after fixing her eye and addressing her smelly smell and nasty gunky ears, figured out she had a yeast infection (not contagious!) The yeast infection was cleared but never stayed gone. It still comes back regularly.
        I didn't know what to do with her! She was chewing and making herself scabby and bloody and slimy! I felt lost for what to do with her. I couldn't give her up! She was my first dog and I have to say I do love her.
That's when I found an Elizabethian Collar, or the Cone/Lamp shade/funnel. I was relieved to have it. She really didn't hardly have to wear it when I was around, but after a couple of years of having one, almost constantly, she would literally hide like a child going to poop in the corner alone! She would go behind the couch and chew! Even with the cone on her head she could bend enough to reach her tail!

           Anyways, lots of vet visits and money spent there, I'm constantly saying enough! I'd gotten to the point where I was always yelling at the dogs and Arianna. I was stressed!
Finally one day I asked mom to take her over night. My goodness it was nice! I didn't yell all night! I enjoyed it. The next morning she walked in with mom, I was ready to go to work, but the moment I saw Bindi, my stress level shot back up.
I laughed and couldn't believe that a little pug face dog could cause me so much stress.

I'm not sure how much longer after that first night Bindi stayed away from us that I asked mom to maybe take her for a week and see how it went. She agreed, and that was back in May! She's had my dog since then and I have been almost stress-free for that long. I hardly have to yell at Zoe and Libby (who has been staying with us) They lay on the floor at our feet, as with Bindi she was constantly standing and moving and itching and rubbing.
                I feel horrible cause when I go to mom's to visit or the one or two times mom brought Bindi home to visit, I was so irritated just looking at her! I felt bad but I realized it must be resentment I guess. It was definately not her fault, just the way she was born. But being my first dog, I wanted a wonderful animal that people just adored. Almost everyone can't stand my dog. I love her, but truthfully I can't stand her either.

So with her being gone from my house so long and her smell gone... her body would secrete this odor that made her feel sweaty and grimy worse then just the doggy smell. Also she'd pee or poo in the house a lot. She'd get better but then at times it was almost like she was angry and would just go... like a cat!  (mom said she's started doing that at her house too and I feel bad)
   So again I emailed the pug rescue in Portland to ask if they could make a note on Bindi's file if they took her. One request I have is to continue to know how she is doing throughout her life. I don't have to see her, although pictures would be great, but I wouldn't want to confuse her more.

Another alternative was finding someone myself. Someone I could talk to and be sure they'd take care of her and know all her info and keep in contact with.
Back in October I found a nice family that had been looking for a smushy faced dog breed. They came from Monmouth to meet her, got copies of her vet records. But the day they were supposed to get her, I had to email her and change my mind. I felt horrible. She was upset and understandably angry. But she also understood. I was so relieved at my decision to keep her, and decided that I'd never try to rehome her again.
But now I know what it's like not having her home. I think it's different though, knowing I can go see her at mom's anytime I want.
Finding her a new home, I won't be able to. I can know how she is though and that should be good enough.

When I make the decision to find her a new home, I start thinking about how I'd feel if I were her.
Unwanted and ugly...probably really itchy and miserable. But I wouldn't care as long as I was with my family that did love me and know me.
And those kinds of thoughts ALWAYS make me turn back.
I can think, I'll be less stressed and she'll get the care she needs and she may get to live a wonderful life, not being itchy or miserable....but with a new family who she'll grow old with and love more then us.... another thought that makes me change my mind!
But I have to stop that. I have to think about what is good for her and me and Ari... and our other pets. I really can't always afford this dogs vet care and food costs (she's on special expensive food! which by the way does nothing for her!)

So today I've listed her on craigslist and will be picky and choosy about the kind of people she will go with. I hope I will go through with this. I think I will this time.  I've told mom I don't want her to come home. I've been enjoying not having to yell and be stressed all the time.
She's been with mom for over 2 months, they're growing tired of her problems after two months...I've grown tired of them over 4 years.

I hope that before I find her a new home, I can give her another hug (something I very rarely do or have done in the past because of her smell) and take her on a walk with just us....Although that may make me sadder and make me turn back on this decision and revert back to having a smelly house and being stressed... Ok, maybe I won't change my mind. I really don't enjoy having a yucky home.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My birthday

I had a good birthday today.
I didn't go to bed until about 4 the 'night' before. I was reading my new book A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard.
It's a 'good' book, if you want to call it that. It's disturbing. The first night I was reading it I went to bed worried I'd have weird/bad dreams that I was in her shoes or something. I had a good dream that I can't remember. I just remember waking up feeling really happy about the person I dreamt about lol.
Ari had stayed the night with her little friend and I was going to have the whole night to myself, until Shane came over. I felt bad for being grouchy with him, but I don't get the apartment to myself much and it just irritated me a little. I'm over it lol. I woke up and came out into the living room. Shane had left but he left a note saying he'd cleaned the living room, did the dishes (there were only a few but thanks shane! :-D) and he cleaned Ari's messy room. He did an awesome job on her room. I decided to color my hair today so after that I showered and as I waited for my hair to dry Lindsey came over. She brought my a b-day card.
After I did my hair she wanted to go look for Ari. She made me drive her car. I didn't want to since I had been practicing for a few months, but I guess I did good. Ari wasn't at her little friends house (they weren't home) so we drove to the park and walked to the pool looking for them. Lindsey called Eddy to find out if they took Ari to mom's. They were all there.

SoO, we went to mom's and we had strawberry shortcake and after that mom made burgers. We hung out, talked and watched Shaen and his friend play guitar hero. He's pretty good!
I called the vet and made a late afternoon appointment for Zoe.
We took her to the vet and spent almost $150 there.
Me and Ari were both worried about our little dog. I was worried that her leg might be worse then it was and they'd keep her overnight. Ari was worried her dog was dying but I assured her she definately wasn't.

Again it was a good day. Spent time with family and my dog didn't have a broken leg! Sweet!

Zoe and her foot

Yesterday (July 13) I got off work and was told Zoe's foot was hurt and she was limping on it. I didn't think anything of it really. She's done it before.

Eddy took the pugs, Libby and Zoe to play ball at the park like he usually does. This time Libby the bulldozer ran over Zoe.

Happens every time but this time she twister her leg or tried to force it one way when it tried to go another. Who knows. Silly dog.
I decided to wait it out a day and see if she works it out herself. Could be just a sprain! Who wants to pay unnecessary vet bills? Not me, but I did want to make sure she was ok.

Today she was the same. I decided we'd take her to the vet later today. Lindsey came over and eventually we went to mom's. We had strawberry shortcake and burgers.

I called our regular vet to make sure it was ok to bring Zoe in to have her looked at. They were booked for the rest of the night, and I could drop her off in the morning. I don't just want to drop her off! I want to be there. Any-hoo I called another vet in Silverton and they could see her.
Zoe whined loudly as we waited- she knows what a vet office is!

Filling out paper work while waiting

They put a muzzle on her... our normal vet wouldn't have but I guess I wouldn't want to be snapped at either. But Zoe was totally calm, and didn't even yip in pain.
They did an X-ray (2) and didn't find any breaks or cracks or anything.

The X-rays

The vet actually laughed and brought us to the back to show us that she could now move Zoe's whole leg without her crying (earlier in the day when Lindsey held her she cried when Lindsey touched her foot.)
The vet stretched her leg out and pushed it back up and moved it all around. She was fine. She must have pulled a muscle the vet said.
She gave orders of no walks, or rough housing for at least a week. Give her her anti-inflamitory medication for 5 days. Basically spoil the crap out of her until she stops limping. If in two weeks she's still limping take her back in.

The cost  -eek- 

Zoe's medication
The Gimp-ess in action (lol)