Wednesday, December 28, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge

30 Day Blog Challenge

My friend thought it'd be fun to do a 30 Day Blog Challenge- once I looked at the list I thought it'd be fun too!

  • Day 1 – Blog 15 facts about yourself
  • Day 2 – Meaning behind your blog name
  • Day 3 – Last year, in great detail
  • Day 4- Goals
  • Day 5 – List 5 places you have been to
  • Day 6 – List 5 places you want to go to
  • Day 7 – places you have lived
  • Day 8 – your favorite television program
  • Day 9 – a hobby of yours
  • Day 10 – Your favorite movie
  • Day 11 – about a recipe
  • Day 12 – A song that makes you cry
  • Day 13 – A non-fiction book
  • Day 14 – A photo you took
  • Day 15 – A photo of you taken over ten years ago
  • Day 16 – A photo of you taken recently
  • Day 17 – A photo that makes you happy
  • Day 18 – A photo that makes you sad
  • Day 19 – Original Photo of the city you live in
  • Day 20 – Your favorite quote
  • Day 21 – Blog about your nickname
  • Day 22 – Your day, in great detail
  • Day 23 – a website
  • Day 24 – A YouTube video
  • Day 25 – Something you are afraid of
  • Day 26 – Favorite Place to eat
  • Day 27- Dream House
  • Day 28 – Something you dont leave the house without
  • Day 29 – Dream Job
  • Day 30 – Something you miss

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