Friday, July 15, 2011

Zoe and her foot

Yesterday (July 13) I got off work and was told Zoe's foot was hurt and she was limping on it. I didn't think anything of it really. She's done it before.

Eddy took the pugs, Libby and Zoe to play ball at the park like he usually does. This time Libby the bulldozer ran over Zoe.

Happens every time but this time she twister her leg or tried to force it one way when it tried to go another. Who knows. Silly dog.
I decided to wait it out a day and see if she works it out herself. Could be just a sprain! Who wants to pay unnecessary vet bills? Not me, but I did want to make sure she was ok.

Today she was the same. I decided we'd take her to the vet later today. Lindsey came over and eventually we went to mom's. We had strawberry shortcake and burgers.

I called our regular vet to make sure it was ok to bring Zoe in to have her looked at. They were booked for the rest of the night, and I could drop her off in the morning. I don't just want to drop her off! I want to be there. Any-hoo I called another vet in Silverton and they could see her.
Zoe whined loudly as we waited- she knows what a vet office is!

Filling out paper work while waiting

They put a muzzle on her... our normal vet wouldn't have but I guess I wouldn't want to be snapped at either. But Zoe was totally calm, and didn't even yip in pain.
They did an X-ray (2) and didn't find any breaks or cracks or anything.

The X-rays

The vet actually laughed and brought us to the back to show us that she could now move Zoe's whole leg without her crying (earlier in the day when Lindsey held her she cried when Lindsey touched her foot.)
The vet stretched her leg out and pushed it back up and moved it all around. She was fine. She must have pulled a muscle the vet said.
She gave orders of no walks, or rough housing for at least a week. Give her her anti-inflamitory medication for 5 days. Basically spoil the crap out of her until she stops limping. If in two weeks she's still limping take her back in.

The cost  -eek- 

Zoe's medication
The Gimp-ess in action (lol)

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