Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 3- 30 day blog challenge

Last Year- In great detail

January 2011- was probably pretty uneventful. I was looking forward to getting my tax refund back. I was planning on getting a car. I started painting. Emery was just born :)

Welcome Emery. I know he came in December, but it was the butt end of DEC!
my first water color painting (Thanks Collie for the paints!)

Feb. 2011- Im sure i got my money back sometime this month. i paid off my bills and even gave extra to stay caught up. i put a lot away, only paying bills. i was still looking for a car. working a lot. continued painting. took my dogs to the vet for check ups and shots.
Zoe's turn to get shots

                                                            Bindi waiting her turn to get shots-- she's been here plenty of times to know something is going to poke her. She was so nervous.

March- 2011 not too much happened in march that i can remember

April- We went fishing for the first time this year. Easter was fun.
My uncle Robby died this month unexpectedly, followed by my great aunt Norma two days later. We met his grandson, Carter for the first time and got to visit with our cousin Debbie who we hadn't seen in years.

My uncle Robby

Uncle Robby with Grandma and Grandpa Jones

his truck and car. Someone put this all up for him.
w/ our cousin Debbie and little Carter

The first fishing trip of the year and the dog that followed us around for food as we tried to fish :)

May: the silverton pet parade is in may. I always look forward to it. This year I entered out dog into a costume contest, dressed as a little skunk and she won first place! My sister turned 21! We went out to the bar and had some fun.
                                                                    1st place winner!
After the contest we went to Grandma's and changed Zoe into her "All American" dress

June: We pulled out the swimming pool. Went camping for the first time this year at Elk Horn. Also made a trip to Silver Falls state park.
I think I first came up with the idea that it'd be fun to go to a convention out of state, and Chicago or Texas seemed like nice ones (The one in texas was set for December) Chicagos would be perfect timing with Taxes. I felt that in a silly sense, God said this is the one you go to (this was the only one for 2012 that had any info up. One for NC, that came before Chicago didn't have any info up.)
Silver Falls trip

Lindsey's thirsty
1st camping trip @ Elk Horn

Ari cooking her dinner!

Morning time

July: We went camping at Detroit Lake. Only one time this year. The old camp host didn't quiet understand the new system of reserved sites and we were kicked out before we could enjoy the 4th of July. The boat Tyler rented broke down and we were stuck on the lake for 3 hours. I got sun burned, which would have been just fine except for the fact that it hurt and I was also bit several times by mosquitos! Let me tell you! THose things itch WAY more then flea bites!
I turned 26.
My dog had to go to the vet cause she was injured while playing with Libby. I thought her leg might be broken so we took her to the vet on my bday. She was just fine.

only missing Shane in this pic.

being towed after being stuck on the lake, broken down for about 2 hours!

I love feeding these guys


my birthday

@ the vet for Zoe (on my bday)

August- I found a new home for my pug Bindi. She'd been living with my mom for the last 3 months. I couldnt imagine bringing her home again, so I was finally time to let her go.
We enjoyed the state fair this year. Did a lot of fishing, but caught nothing at all!
Visiting Bindi at mom's house... Zoe misses her sister.

our last family picture with BindiBoo

She found a new home... leaving with them

Bindi with her new sister Pinky

@ the state fair.

Lindsey wants a goat

Ari petting a deer

With Street Beat (they were awesome)

petting a wallaby

September: Ari turned 6 years old! I made plans to move, but was sure it wouldn't work out and we'd end up staying in our apartment.
I'd thought about getting Ari a kitten for her birthday, but decided our family was ok with our new one dog one cat life. But on the night of Ari's bday party a woman and her son came by looking for the owners of a little bitty tabby kitten (they called it a calico) I said we'd take it until we found the owners since the woman was allergic. Weeks went by and she was left unclaimed. So we got a new kitten this month.
Oktoberfest came to town. Always fun to go down town!
Arianna started kindergarden this year!! She seemed a little nervous on her first day, but she had her best friend Glissa with her.
I found out I'm going to be an aunt!

1st day of kindergarten!

her seat!

@ O-fest, wearing the dress grandma made her for this year

Arianna Mekenzie (and Zoe)
most of the kids that came to Ari's party :)

Ari and me with my two best friends!

the cake!

the new kitten

O-Fest monument thing

my future niece!

October. Was ment to be out of the aparment this month, but then found out it'd be November that we would get into the new place. Still unsure if we'd get into our new place.
Halloween came. It was fun this year!

I bought myself some expensive new boot!

We went to the Haunted House at the School for the Deaf...

3 of our 5 pumpkins

a big one Tyler brought home

out trick or treating

Me, Lindsey and Steph in line for the haunted house

Tyler's costume!

November: All I had on my mind this month was are we going to be able to move or not? If not can we even stay in our apartment or are we going to be homeless!? I slacked on cleaning, and didnt even pack much because I wasn't sure if there was apoint or not.
The date that we were supposed to move came and went, and we were still in the apartment.
We had Thanksgiving at mom's house. Then we also went over to my Aunt Sandy's house to visit her and our cousins, and also Aunt Lorie.
One night I was going to show my brother our pet mice only to discover one of them was missing. Turned out my black mouse ate most of her sister. The next day she was sick and eventually died later in the evening.
Ari @ aunt Sandy's house.... everyone else finished eating already

my poor Cricket. *no, she's not dead in this picture... just really sick*

December: On the 5th, we were given news that our new place did not pass inspection. But we also had to get out of our apartment. I was given the OK to move into the new place until it was up to code. Everything has since passed and we are no homeless Thank God!! We've had Christmas in this new house with plenty of room for a tree. We had Christmas at our home for the first time.
I knew I was going to be an aunt but this month, found out it'll be a niece!
Good-bye apartment!

(the back)

Hello new home- with new possibilities!

and new memories...

It's been nice living across the street from my sister. We've had movie night, two nights so far. Not too much but it's just nice to be able to walk over and see her. Now if only mom still lived down the street, and Darcie lived next door!
Christmas in our new place was nice. There was plenty of room for a tree, where as in the old place only our first Xmas there was enough space. After that it was terrible moving things around for the tree to fit! lol

family picture for the xmas card!

Look how much space! (in the apartment, this would have been the entire front room, including the kitchen and dining area... this here is just the living. We love it!)

Ari and her gifts on Christmas Eve

Bring on the new year!!! I'm so excited to see what God has instore for our little bitty family.

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