Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 19 of thirty day blog challenge

A photo of the city you live in:

This is pretty much the only one I have lol... its during the pet parade... but it is down town :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 18 of 30 day blog challenge

A photo that makes you sad.

The picture that I was planning on using for this post isn't on my computer anymore, but I'm sure theres another somewhere....

or better yet, I have two slide shows I could use with pictures that are 'sad'

                                                                 And another one that is always sad... 
                           Poverty on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation-
               Is described as you would describe a third world country, in the USA

Day 17 of 30 day blog challenge

A photo that makes you happy

I put this one on here because I feel SOOOO blessed
and lucky to have these 3 people in my life!
My daughter Ari
and my two best friends since 7th gd.

And this picture cause Chaske Spencer is like the sunshine... LOL

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 16 of 30 day blog challenge

A photo you took recently.

(click to make bigger)

I chose this picture because it's pretty perfect.
It's during my favorite season of the year, summer time!
Doing one of my favorite summer time activities, camping/fishing.
With my favorite person. I'm not sure if it'd be even more perfect if she was looking.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 15 of 30 day blog challenge

A photo taken of you over 10 years ago.

I decided to use more then one picture :) 

My 3rd birthday- I think this was in the parking lot of the Pepsi Plant in Mt. Angel... but I'm not sure.
wasn't an actual party :)

My mom and me on my first birthday.
I think this is the only picture!
And I still have that doll!!
(she's missing an arm though)

I must've been about 4 here. I caught my first fish. Dad looks happy!

Me and my brothers and sister. Shane was less then a
year old here so I would've been about 11 or 12,
tyler about 9 or 10, Lindsey was probably 7ish.
(I was making a goofy face as usual!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 14 of 30 day blog challenge

A photo you took

I took this picture. Yep I did. I love it!
It is a picture of Ari walking through a huge field, and the loyalty of our dog, following her and keeping the horses back... well not actually having to keep them back since they were further out but I'm sure she would have! lol
The photo was edited to create a wall photo/poster thing.

This is the original....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 13 of 30 day blog challenge

A non-fiction book

Ohhhhhh- there are two that I really like (well as much as you can like these types of books )

The first that came to mind was

Missing: The Oregon City Girls: A shocking true story of abduction and murder by Linda O'Neal, Philip Tennyson and Rick Watson

I remember when these two girls were kidnapped. I remember riding in the car with mom (and my brothers and sister.... maybe Shane wasn't born yet, I'm not sure) Anyways we'd be going to my grandma's house to take care of her (in Clackamas- going through Oregon City) and there were signs and postings and people on the side of the road holding signs looking for these two girls who ended up dead.

my next book is

Steve and Me by Terri Irwin

This is about Steve Irwin and Terri and their life together. I knew about the crocodile hunter and thought he was, not crazy but very excitable. Didn't think too much about him. Enjoyed watching his antics whenever I had a chance to watch the show (we didn't have cable)
But after he died, I just kinda drew myself into what his life was like. The memorial DVD made me cry (I've had that for about 4 years and have only watched it twice... because it makes me cry!!)
So I read this book. It is so touching and I cried when that part came that Terri found out her husband and father of her two young kids had been killed. It was so heart breaking, but their life together was beautiful and I envy the kids so much for being able to have such an amazing dad.

Third book is

A stolen Life- by Jaycee Dugard

The girl that was kidnapped, and held captive for 18 years.
I wanted to know what she'd been through. Maybe it was my morbin curiousity. Reading that book, while reading  New Moon (or Eclipse) was not a good idea. I kept mixing them together. Edward became a completely pervert in my mind, and in the Jaycee book, why weren't any werewolves protecting her!!
I was horrified by the things that poor girl had been through in just her first week there alone. And imagining that it could be someone I knew like my little neighbor girl Haven who is just 11 (Jaycee's age when she was kidnapped) how horrible to treat a little girl that way. To have her know that things like that could even happen.
But I'm so glad she is home with her mom. I felt so sad that she almost didnt want to go home if her step dad was going to be there.. It reminded me of how Eddy used to treat us as kids (she talks about how 'mean' he was to her as a kid--- not abusive, but treating her as though his relationship with the mom could be better if the kid weren't there)

Some good books that are non- fiction are (if you like animal books) The Dogs Who Found Me by Ken Foster--- he tells stories about each of the dogs he ends up with, finding homes, stupid owners.. going through 9/11 and I think even hurricane Katrina.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 12 of 30 day blog challenge

About a recipe

My Lemon Pepper Chicken

I'll write about a recipe I use all the time. I mean like a couple times a week.

We eat a lot of chicken. It's healthier than beef and pork so I buy a lot of it.

I usually buy legs/drumsticks and breasts, but I've decided I don't like the breats because there isn't much flavor that gets inside.

But I've decided I love thighs.

The way I make chicken is, roll it around in flour. Once it's covered put it on your cookie sheet (sprayed with a non-stick spray)

Then season the chicken with lemon pepper seasoning and a little bit of salt. And bake until it's done.

I always, always make my chicken this way, and Ari decided just the other day that she LOVES the lemon pepper seasoning.

In the summer I used chicken wings more often and smother them in BBQ sauce. Yummy!!

This one didn't turn out that great looking, the extra flour and non-tenderness doesn't look like it's there... but I usually make it with some sort of rice or pasta-roni
(I know box food, bleh, but its good! and either green beans or spinach)

Fish Fry

This is the second time I've made this.
The first time, it made the fish disgusting. I didn't wanna try it again.
But the second time I decided it sounded really good and would try again.
This time I looked up how to do it.
I cut up some fish my dad brought down from WA (Trout) and now I can't remember the steps that went along with it, but oh my goodness it was SOOO good!! ---They were fried, like I usually make fish (unless it's salmon.)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 10 of 30 day blog challenge

A song that makes your cry

Not too many songs can make me cry.

Some sad songs give me great ideas for writing stories.

But after my cat died, anything remotely sad sounding just set me off.

So here were a few that got to me

The Battlefield- Sonya Isaacs (soundtrack from Broken Bridges) before Paris died I said I'd use this song in a slideshow of her when she died.... she went too soon!!!

Life in Three Parts- Highwater Rising

Possibility- Lykke Li

Long trip alone  and
Settle for a slow down   - Dierks Bentley (just got his CD and the next day my cat trying to cheer up, this song would come on and just send my bawling)

and the last

Better then me- Hinder 

   Life in Three Parts- Highwater Rising
 is the song in this slide show-                                               
  I didn't use the song I said I was going to use...

Now I no longer cry to these songs. They do give me ideas for stories again.

Silly to say this but this is true.
It'd been 2 years since Paris died and I was still grieving, wishing she was there, willing to trade all my pets for her to be back.
After watching New Moon, and finding out who Chaske Spencer was, (took a few months) I found a new light, I suppose you could say.
About a year or so later, I finally took down my giant Paris blanket, and the several 8X10 pictures I had up of her in my living room.
Chaske I guess you could say brought me out of my depression. I no longer grieve for Paris, of course I miss her still. But I wouldn't trade my other pets for her to be back (well now I'd just have a 3rd cat haha) but I "love" that guy so much for bringing me 'back'.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 11 of 30 day blog challenge

Your favorite movie

My favorite movie as of right now has to be Dream Keeping (and no not just because Chaske is in it lol)

I love hearing Native American stories, and watching them play out is even more awesome.

Also because 'my' tribe is in there, and you get to hear one of their stories. Plus the story with the grandfather

and the troubled grandson is a good one. (also love Gil Birmingham.)

Day 9 of 30 day blog challenge

Hobbies of yours

Right now my hobby would be painting. I try to do it whenever I can, but with work and taking care of Ari I only get to do it at night.

Ari and Deuce

the awesome Aussies :) one of my favorites


Binnin and Blanket

My first one "Red+ Blue= purple"

probably my least favorite ones--- Bunny Foofy (I love my rabbit though!)

I'm gunna get rid of the red flowers, don't like them!
Native Ari

Never finished this one... I think I might redo it on smaller paper (this is a poster board!)
Love the wrestling kittens though--- this is supposed to be Paris and her kittens

This one isn't finished yet either--- our poker playing dogs Left to Right- Zoe, Libby, Tahji, Bindi and Tikoa the cheater!

I love the picture that I copied to do this one... it turned out ok, but not as good as I could have done.
This one isn't done yet but I really like the idea of it

My favorite. Portrays me and Ari as wolves, with Chaske my wolf leader and our new cub/baby lol Cheeeeesssy!!! but i love it!

As a teenager my hobby was breeding and raising leopard geckos. Strange hobby for a teenage girl, but oh well, they were pretty much the only pets I could have until I moved out on my own. I still have one of my starting out geckos, Cesar. I've had her about 10 years now. She's the only one I have left. I sold her "husband" about a year ago and the first baby I hatched myself about 3 years ago. We did add a bearded dragon. I always planned on getting one once I knew more about reptiles, and always wanted to name is Ozzie (even though she's a girl!)

I got about 90 on my 17th bday, so I went out and bought myself a baby leopard gecko
This is Sammy, my very first leopard gecko. (She died when I accidentally left the screen of her cage and our cat Pawsom clawed her, she got an infection.)

Cesar's last clutch of eggs. She laid two, then a few weeks later laid one more

Back in 2004. Cesar laid some eggs along with another female (can't remember which one) these were there babies... the most I had at one time. They didn't sell and because I was at a point in my life where I couldnt take care of them I had to give them to a pet shop for free.

Diego on his perch

Pregnant Cesar (can you see her eggs through her skin?)

This is Orange-Sprinkles- the first baby I hatched by myself! (Cesar and Diego's baby @ about age 5ish- his temp in the incubator was set to make him a girl but later found out he was a boy!)
Cesar @ night

Drinking some water

This is Rain - Sobe's sister
(she escaped out of this box I had her in when she was about a day old... I never found her!)

This is Senorita (named after a Justin Timberlake song lol) I bought her online from a breeder (

This is Cesar (I think!--- could be Sammy)

3-17-03- this is Diego the day I got him

made by Darcie for my website lol
In the picture is Cesar (the biggest) in the front is Sunshine, back left is Senorita and in front of Cesar is Sobe (not sure where Orange-Sprinkles is)

Sobe and Oregon Sprinkles (I thought they were both girls... turns out Orange Sprinkles was a boy!)

Cesar back in 2004-ish

I didn't mean to put so many gecko picture in this one, but I found them in random files and got excited! Had to share since it was one of my hobbies a long time ago lol

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 8 of 30 day blog challenge

Favorite Television show

I think my favorite is Dog the Bounty Hunter... the new season started yesterday!!! :)

I like Duane Lee the best. He's tall and buffish! lol
photo curtisy of the Internet!

Day 7 of 30 day blog challenge

I've lived in a few different places.

I was born in Astoria, OR (Goonies was filmed there, also Kindergarten Cop... and more)

No picture on my computer of my parents' place in Astoria, but here is the bridge!! Noooo we didn't live under it!! haha

I lived in Newport, OR
have a picture of the apt. in Newport but not on my computer

I've lived in Illwaco, WA with our dad for a summer.

I've lived in Mt. Angel, OR.

This is our second house in Mt. Angel (the first was on Church st.) This on is 315 Garfield St.
Yeah that tree is enormous!

This was our apartment that we lived in, in Mt. Angel.... Apt 5!

I've lived in Silverton, OR (live in silverton oregon lol)
(This is the duplex I live in right now, But when I first moved to Silverton, I live in the other duplex--on the right!) wait, we lived in Silverton when I was in 5th grade... we lived in Eddy's little stinky house!

I moved in with mom and Eddy when they lived here. Great propert, a river on the other side of the trailer, but the house itself was a piece of crap! lol    (This was 15033 Huiras LN!) at least I think that was the address lol

I've lived in Keizer, OR (1101 Chemawa RD)

And lived in Salem, OR    (Cross St SE)

am I missing anything?  I dunno lol

I don't know my first few addresses, but I know that the 2nd house in Mt. Angel is

315 Garfield st.
then we were kinda homeless... we lived with my aunt in WA for a couple weeks in the summer, then mostly with my dad in Silverton, (Pacific Crest Apartments #14)
then with Eddy at 444 Church st. in Silverton
Then moved to 255 W. College St. apt 5
then to 695 N. Main st. in mt. angel
then i moved with a friend at 255 w college apt 7 i think then apt 3 i think then to Salem
@ something Cross st. SE to Silverton 402 Second and Drake (the duplex) then to Keizer on 1101 Chemawa RD, then we woulda been homeless (me and the girl i lived with) so i moved back in with mom and eddy at 15033 huiras ln in silverton (the trailer) then we moved outta there to 206 s. second st. just before i got my apt at 992 n. second st. apt 10 were me and ari have lived the last 5 years, then we moved here to 404 drake st!  should i be giving out my address in such a public place? i dunno!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 6 of 30 day blog Challenge

5 places I want to go:

1. Montana---- there is such beautiful land out here!
2. Yellow stone--- i want to see the wild animals here and the awesomeness of everything else

3. Hawaii--- nothing better then nice warm weather, palm trees and blue water!

4. Australia--- my friend Matt lives here, and i want to go to the zoo.

5. on a Disney Cruise.--- seems like a perfect vacation!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 5 of 30 day blog Challenge

5 places I've been to:

1.  Oregon- duh, I live here lol

2. Washington- dad and other family members live here

3. California- went here on spring break in 2001 with one of my best friends, Tyler

4 . Mexico- went here in 2001 while on spring break.

5. that's about it lol ... unless you count cities.... how about in March, I add Chicago, Illinois?

now if you're thinking of random places and not just states or countries, there here is 5 other places I've been to

1. the oregon zoo


3. Walmart

4. The Olive Garden

5. Appleby's (my favorite!)

Day 4 of 30 day blog Challenge


I have so many goals its not funny.

These goals can be anything from what kind of house I want, what kind of job I want, what kind of classes I'd like to take, to what breeds/species of animals or dogs I want to own through my life.

So first I'll start with goals I want to finish first:

Lose about 40 pounds.... I'm down 15!

See Chaske again (will happen in March!)

get my licence---- should happen in the next two months... eeeek.

find a better job.

Goals for later on down the road... or not lol

Have more kids (or just one more)
get married or be in a married like relationship
have a nice car
fix my credit,
get another puppy/dog
clean my couch and chair
throw my sister a baby shower
hang out with my bestest friend!
go to a Jason Aldean concert

there are so many more that I could just go on and on! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 3- 30 day blog challenge

Last Year- In great detail

January 2011- was probably pretty uneventful. I was looking forward to getting my tax refund back. I was planning on getting a car. I started painting. Emery was just born :)

Welcome Emery. I know he came in December, but it was the butt end of DEC!
my first water color painting (Thanks Collie for the paints!)

Feb. 2011- Im sure i got my money back sometime this month. i paid off my bills and even gave extra to stay caught up. i put a lot away, only paying bills. i was still looking for a car. working a lot. continued painting. took my dogs to the vet for check ups and shots.
Zoe's turn to get shots

                                                            Bindi waiting her turn to get shots-- she's been here plenty of times to know something is going to poke her. She was so nervous.

March- 2011 not too much happened in march that i can remember

April- We went fishing for the first time this year. Easter was fun.
My uncle Robby died this month unexpectedly, followed by my great aunt Norma two days later. We met his grandson, Carter for the first time and got to visit with our cousin Debbie who we hadn't seen in years.

My uncle Robby

Uncle Robby with Grandma and Grandpa Jones

his truck and car. Someone put this all up for him.
w/ our cousin Debbie and little Carter

The first fishing trip of the year and the dog that followed us around for food as we tried to fish :)

May: the silverton pet parade is in may. I always look forward to it. This year I entered out dog into a costume contest, dressed as a little skunk and she won first place! My sister turned 21! We went out to the bar and had some fun.
                                                                    1st place winner!
After the contest we went to Grandma's and changed Zoe into her "All American" dress

June: We pulled out the swimming pool. Went camping for the first time this year at Elk Horn. Also made a trip to Silver Falls state park.
I think I first came up with the idea that it'd be fun to go to a convention out of state, and Chicago or Texas seemed like nice ones (The one in texas was set for December) Chicagos would be perfect timing with Taxes. I felt that in a silly sense, God said this is the one you go to (this was the only one for 2012 that had any info up. One for NC, that came before Chicago didn't have any info up.)
Silver Falls trip

Lindsey's thirsty
1st camping trip @ Elk Horn

Ari cooking her dinner!

Morning time

July: We went camping at Detroit Lake. Only one time this year. The old camp host didn't quiet understand the new system of reserved sites and we were kicked out before we could enjoy the 4th of July. The boat Tyler rented broke down and we were stuck on the lake for 3 hours. I got sun burned, which would have been just fine except for the fact that it hurt and I was also bit several times by mosquitos! Let me tell you! THose things itch WAY more then flea bites!
I turned 26.
My dog had to go to the vet cause she was injured while playing with Libby. I thought her leg might be broken so we took her to the vet on my bday. She was just fine.

only missing Shane in this pic.

being towed after being stuck on the lake, broken down for about 2 hours!

I love feeding these guys


my birthday

@ the vet for Zoe (on my bday)

August- I found a new home for my pug Bindi. She'd been living with my mom for the last 3 months. I couldnt imagine bringing her home again, so I was finally time to let her go.
We enjoyed the state fair this year. Did a lot of fishing, but caught nothing at all!
Visiting Bindi at mom's house... Zoe misses her sister.

our last family picture with BindiBoo

She found a new home... leaving with them

Bindi with her new sister Pinky

@ the state fair.

Lindsey wants a goat

Ari petting a deer

With Street Beat (they were awesome)

petting a wallaby

September: Ari turned 6 years old! I made plans to move, but was sure it wouldn't work out and we'd end up staying in our apartment.
I'd thought about getting Ari a kitten for her birthday, but decided our family was ok with our new one dog one cat life. But on the night of Ari's bday party a woman and her son came by looking for the owners of a little bitty tabby kitten (they called it a calico) I said we'd take it until we found the owners since the woman was allergic. Weeks went by and she was left unclaimed. So we got a new kitten this month.
Oktoberfest came to town. Always fun to go down town!
Arianna started kindergarden this year!! She seemed a little nervous on her first day, but she had her best friend Glissa with her.
I found out I'm going to be an aunt!

1st day of kindergarten!

her seat!

@ O-fest, wearing the dress grandma made her for this year

Arianna Mekenzie (and Zoe)
most of the kids that came to Ari's party :)

Ari and me with my two best friends!

the cake!

the new kitten

O-Fest monument thing

my future niece!

October. Was ment to be out of the aparment this month, but then found out it'd be November that we would get into the new place. Still unsure if we'd get into our new place.
Halloween came. It was fun this year!

I bought myself some expensive new boot!

We went to the Haunted House at the School for the Deaf...

3 of our 5 pumpkins

a big one Tyler brought home

out trick or treating

Me, Lindsey and Steph in line for the haunted house

Tyler's costume!

November: All I had on my mind this month was are we going to be able to move or not? If not can we even stay in our apartment or are we going to be homeless!? I slacked on cleaning, and didnt even pack much because I wasn't sure if there was apoint or not.
The date that we were supposed to move came and went, and we were still in the apartment.
We had Thanksgiving at mom's house. Then we also went over to my Aunt Sandy's house to visit her and our cousins, and also Aunt Lorie.
One night I was going to show my brother our pet mice only to discover one of them was missing. Turned out my black mouse ate most of her sister. The next day she was sick and eventually died later in the evening.
Ari @ aunt Sandy's house.... everyone else finished eating already

my poor Cricket. *no, she's not dead in this picture... just really sick*

December: On the 5th, we were given news that our new place did not pass inspection. But we also had to get out of our apartment. I was given the OK to move into the new place until it was up to code. Everything has since passed and we are no homeless Thank God!! We've had Christmas in this new house with plenty of room for a tree. We had Christmas at our home for the first time.
I knew I was going to be an aunt but this month, found out it'll be a niece!
Good-bye apartment!

(the back)

Hello new home- with new possibilities!

and new memories...

It's been nice living across the street from my sister. We've had movie night, two nights so far. Not too much but it's just nice to be able to walk over and see her. Now if only mom still lived down the street, and Darcie lived next door!
Christmas in our new place was nice. There was plenty of room for a tree, where as in the old place only our first Xmas there was enough space. After that it was terrible moving things around for the tree to fit! lol

family picture for the xmas card!

Look how much space! (in the apartment, this would have been the entire front room, including the kitchen and dining area... this here is just the living. We love it!)

Ari and her gifts on Christmas Eve

Bring on the new year!!! I'm so excited to see what God has instore for our little bitty family.