Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept 6, 2012

Up at 7am again.
We got ready for school, ate breakfast together (peanut butter captain crunch) and got dressed. I did my hair and then Ari's hair.
We headed out at 7:50ish. I dropped her off at her class and left.

Got home to get ready for work.
Around 8:45 I let the kittens out of the garage. (later I would learn the was a big tragic mistake)
Mom dropped me off at work.

Got a call just after 2 that our poor little Thomas was dead. What in God's name happened!!?? What kind of sick joke was this? He was perfectly healthy. We'd lost Foofy just 3 weeks ago, Ozzie 2 days ago and now Thomas, a young 6 week old kitten. Mom was so upset on the phone. He'd gotten behind the washer and wanted to play with a cord. I never realized how much Foofy had chewed on the cords of both the washer and dryer. Poor Thomas was electicuted and mom found him with his tooth still stuck to the cord of the washer.
I was horrified and didn't know what to say. I was so sad, but also felt so bad for mom. Thomas was going to be her baby. She'd just started getting attached and loved him, saying hello and playing with him whenever she came over.
I was on lunch when I found out. I couldn't finish my burrito. I felt sick to my stomach and fell apart in the bathroom. I had to go back to work though.
I couldn't think of anything else but Thomas the rest of the 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

Once I was finally off work, mom and Ari took me to the laundry room where Thomas was laying, wrapped in a towel. He was laying down, his mouth wide open. Foam was in his mouth, and his tongue and teeth were burnt black. His eyes were barely opened. I hoped maybe he was just paralyzed or stunned for a few hours. But he was gone.

Darcie came to visit shortly after I got home. I'm glad she did. She (and Riah and Bubba) took mine and Ari's minds of little Thomas.
But once they left, it all came flooding back with the sadness and lonely feeling I've been having the past few days.
I went and got a shovel from Lindsey and Keith's and dug a hole in the dusky evening.
I wish we would have waited until day light, so we could see. Ari didn't say words like she did for Foofy and Ozzie. I think since Lindsey was there she was embarrassed.

We buried him right by Foofy under our wishing well. I will post a picture sometime of their resting spot.

I started dinner late at about 8:30 (Mac and cheese with bacon bits) We ate then Ari had a snack and I got her to bed. She told me about her day.
She told me that her 'friend' Maddie, who she'd named a baby doll after and who she'd hoped all summer would be in her class told her they weren't friends, they just talked to eachother.
I felt so bad for her. I told her she could still be friends with Maddie, that she just had to keep talking to her.
Ari told me that she learned about bugs today. She learned about desert bugs.

Yesterday (the 5th) while we were eating dinner at the table I asked Ari if she learned anything. She nodded and said yes. I asked her what she learned and she shrugged and said she didn't remember. I laughed at her then asked her what was her favorite thing that she learned. She said they made bears, and hers was a peace bear. She likes peace signs!

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