Friday, May 11, 2012

It's been a few months since I last posted a blog! Since then, we've gotten a second dog, went to Chicago, Ill. and spring is here finally! Oh yeah, and I don't think I mentioned that I got a new camera? I love it! It's a Canon PowerShot with amazing zoom (can't remember off the top of my head how far it goes though!)  It does pictures obviously, but does video (I can take pictures while videoing also) it does slow motion video and so on. I haven't played with everything it can do but I have done a few fun things with it.

We got our puppy on Valentine's day. I was not planning on getting a second dog, then one day I got it in my head to look around at some puppies and found Jack-Jack (then named Fargo) I had to have him. I talked the lady down on his price and eventually he was here. He was (is) adorable. But he was doing sooooo horrible on potty training, I was days away from getting rid of him. I couldn't stand that he was soiling our new home.
Well he got better after a while and hasn't gone in the house in a few weeks.

picture I saw of him on the website
picked his furry butt up from the airport (the guys working there said they had to put him back in the back room because he wouldn't stop yelping and crying)
cute and fluffy and round
losing the fluffy and growing up... I like this 'potty trained' dog
better then the pooping machine he used to be!

they torment the cats together now

                                                 (he's sick tonight though, poor thing.)

Arianna is doing great in Kindergarten! She doesn't like to go when I have days off work. She'd rather stay home with me. I wish she could. But she's only got a few more weeks left before she's out for the summer!
A couple weeks ago I stayed in class with her. She'd been begging me to do it, and I've been complaining that I never have time to just do things like that with her. But when I do have a day off I just want to get home and enjoy that time to relax or get things done.
So instead of going home and being lazy I stayed with her. First it was just going to be until she went to PE. Then it was until PE was over. Then it was when recess was over. After recess, I went home. It was fun watching her in school.

In March we went on our trip to Chicago for the Twilight Convention. We'd been so excited to go. At the very end of Febuary we got news that Chaske (the whole reason of me wanting to even go) was going to be in Australia for the month of March. I was horrified, but had hope that he was going to be there. The convention was at the butt end of March.
On March 6th, checking up on the Creation website, I was absolutly horrified to find that he had been cancelled from the convention. I have to admit I even cried (lame, I know) but I felt that there was no point in going. I was not interested in seeing the others.
But as the days went on, I kinda got over the fact he wouldn't be there. I wasn't excited for the trip anymore, not really.
The plane ride, which I'd had different weird dreams about how our flight would be was alright. I paniced as we were descending into Chicago O'Hare Internation airport though. That rollercoaster feeling paniced me and I was recording at the time and I can be heard saying "Oh God....Ohhhhhh my goshhhh!!" and finally I stopped recording. LOL

I was a little more excited after we'd arrived at the motel. (I'll go into detail about the trip later.)

It was a lot of fun, and we especially loved meeting Boo Boo Stewart (and his amazing family) even though we weren't interested at all in the begining. I left there wishing we could keep in contact, especially since Ari made friends with his little sister Sage.
we were having breakfast, talking with the stars, while
Ari and Sage had their own conversation... her dad sat by

Time for Boo Boo to go and another star to come

checking out the HillyWood area

these two danced from about 10 to midnight!! both fell asleep within minutes of returning to the motel rooms (BooBoo told us the next day that Sage almost fell asleep in her dad's arms and Ari fell asleep with a piece of jerky in her hand once we got back our room!)

Elsie Mae is almost here! Lindsey has been having contractions the last few days. She was having random Braxton Hicks contractions for a few weeks, but she said these contractions and pretty regular.
The other day (the 8th of May) she called me at about 10 or 11am and asked me to go with her to get checked.
She took a shower first and I got Ari ready for school.
After dropping Ari off at school we headed to the hospital. They put her in one of the waiting rooms taht I was put in when I first checked into the hospital to have Ari. They put her on a monitor and and watched her for 30 minutes. We think they must not have believed her, because after the 30 minutes was up and the nurse came back in, she said "Oh, well I didn't think you'd have this many contractions, so how about you walk around for an hour and come back and we'll check you then." So me and Lindsey walked the hospital for an hour. I would have gone into labor too!! lol
We got back to the room at about 2pm. We waited for someone to come back in.
Nothing new. Still at 1cm, so they sent her home at 2:30.... Ari was out of school, so we had to rush over and pick her up. We were all bummed that Elsie wasn't coming yet.... but soon! :)

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