Friday, June 24, 2011

The sky

I decided that I'd like to share pictures of the sky that I've taken.
I love taking pictures of the sky. Never get tired of it! I wish I had a better camera to take even better pictures!
Whether it's sunset or sunrise (rarely am I up for sunrise) rain clouds or nice fluffy ones, I have tons of pictures of the sky!
This one was just the other day- I thought the clouds were awesome

Laying on the docks at the Resevoir, looking at the sky. Nice fluffy clouds

Distant rain cloud? I'm not sure but it looked crazy awesome!

This one I believe was taken outside of The Olive Garden

More crazy clouds. Driving to Salem, I had to take a picture!

The sky changed so fast from normal gray clouds, to orangish and gray, to purple-ish, to bright orangeish pink to orange, then HAIL then back to normal!
Camping at Detriot Lake last summer. To me this one looks like a giant question mark

I woke up from a nap and went outside to see these clouds. The sun was going down. I think the groggyness of the nap was affecting me, but I thought it was the most amazing thing at the moment!

A rare occasion that I was up for sunrise! Waiting for Ari's bus to come. The clouds were really that yellow-orange color! Very pretty!

Sunset picture- One of my favorites             
Walking home form the store- sunset was really pretty

Driving the back roads to Salem to have lunch. Amazing fluffy clouds on a really blue day.

I love the "God rays"!

Sunset or sunrise- I can't remember

Sunrise- such soft new clouds!

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