Monday, June 13, 2011

Sick fishies

My fish are getting sick! I'm kinda sad cause my black moor goldfish died. Now Ari's is/was heading in the direction!
My fish got a white filmy film all over it's body within a day, and died. Happened pretty quick. The smaller black moor, (Ari's fish) started to get the white film on its body and I worried it'd die too. By the way, the little black fish's name is Dandilion. (lol) A few months back one of my big goldfish' scales started sticking out ward, within months all the scales were sticking out. That's called Dropsy and there isn't much you can do for the poor fish once it has it.
NOW, one of the other goldfish that I have (there are two gold fish, there were two black moors and there were four neon tetras (now there is one of those left) anyways one of the goldfish is starting to get that "dropsy look' to it on its tail.
We went to the pet store and talked to one of the fish people there and she suggested something for it. I hope it works.
After doing a 100% water change and leaving the fish in a bowl over night, I hope it works! I know they are just fish, and we just flush them, but it really bugs when one of my favorites dies!!
So here are some pictures :)
The two black moors together

Dandilion with the white filmy crud on her body and covering her eyes (Ari said it's a girl! lol)

Our goldfish with the start of Dropsy on his tail (its kind of lumpy) and to me it looks really gross.
Here is a picture of what dropsy makes a fish look like in pretty much the final stages..

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