Saturday, June 25, 2011

Home-made BBQ Chicken pizza

I decided for dinner tonight I'd make my own pizza.

Actually at work I thought, BBQ chicken pizza with pineapples sounds really good.

I should make it sometime. Why not tonight?

So here is what it turned out like. Too bad you can't taste it! It's good! ;)
Obviously, make the crust first.. then while its pre-cooking in the over for 2-3 minutes prepare the toppings

After the 2-3 minutes pre-cook, add toppings

BBQ chicken and pineapple and cheese

Doesn't look as good as it tastes though!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The sky

I decided that I'd like to share pictures of the sky that I've taken.
I love taking pictures of the sky. Never get tired of it! I wish I had a better camera to take even better pictures!
Whether it's sunset or sunrise (rarely am I up for sunrise) rain clouds or nice fluffy ones, I have tons of pictures of the sky!
This one was just the other day- I thought the clouds were awesome

Laying on the docks at the Resevoir, looking at the sky. Nice fluffy clouds

Distant rain cloud? I'm not sure but it looked crazy awesome!

This one I believe was taken outside of The Olive Garden

More crazy clouds. Driving to Salem, I had to take a picture!

The sky changed so fast from normal gray clouds, to orangish and gray, to purple-ish, to bright orangeish pink to orange, then HAIL then back to normal!
Camping at Detriot Lake last summer. To me this one looks like a giant question mark

I woke up from a nap and went outside to see these clouds. The sun was going down. I think the groggyness of the nap was affecting me, but I thought it was the most amazing thing at the moment!

A rare occasion that I was up for sunrise! Waiting for Ari's bus to come. The clouds were really that yellow-orange color! Very pretty!

Sunset picture- One of my favorites             
Walking home form the store- sunset was really pretty

Driving the back roads to Salem to have lunch. Amazing fluffy clouds on a really blue day.

I love the "God rays"!

Sunset or sunrise- I can't remember

Sunrise- such soft new clouds!


*Update*    My last blog was about our sick fish. We lost both black moors. Ari cried when her fish Dandilion died. I felt really bad for her. We still have two gold fish and one neon (2 of the three died)

         We've gone to the falls (Lindsey, Ari and I) and we went camping for the first time this summer. It was only one night but it was still fun!

These giant clovers were awesome. We wanted to take pictures of every bunch we saw! Lindsey and Ari even ate the petals of some of them! They are sweet tasting! ;)

Where we usually camp

She just loves sticking things in the fire! ;)

The caves!

Me and Ari in front of the cave

We went fishing the other day and I got a little red. The start of my tanning season lol.
                                                                      Here is all we caught!
This little fish was caught on a hook (obviously) but the hook was someone elses' that was either cut of snagged. Mom's hook snagged on this and brought up the fish. Confused yet? lol

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sick fishies

My fish are getting sick! I'm kinda sad cause my black moor goldfish died. Now Ari's is/was heading in the direction!
My fish got a white filmy film all over it's body within a day, and died. Happened pretty quick. The smaller black moor, (Ari's fish) started to get the white film on its body and I worried it'd die too. By the way, the little black fish's name is Dandilion. (lol) A few months back one of my big goldfish' scales started sticking out ward, within months all the scales were sticking out. That's called Dropsy and there isn't much you can do for the poor fish once it has it.
NOW, one of the other goldfish that I have (there are two gold fish, there were two black moors and there were four neon tetras (now there is one of those left) anyways one of the goldfish is starting to get that "dropsy look' to it on its tail.
We went to the pet store and talked to one of the fish people there and she suggested something for it. I hope it works.
After doing a 100% water change and leaving the fish in a bowl over night, I hope it works! I know they are just fish, and we just flush them, but it really bugs when one of my favorites dies!!
So here are some pictures :)
The two black moors together

Dandilion with the white filmy crud on her body and covering her eyes (Ari said it's a girl! lol)

Our goldfish with the start of Dropsy on his tail (its kind of lumpy) and to me it looks really gross.
Here is a picture of what dropsy makes a fish look like in pretty much the final stages..

Wednesday, June 8, 2011, not Hannah Montana!

I want to go to Montana some day!

I see such beautiful and awesome pictures from there!

This picture is by Gil Birmingham (Jacob Black's dad! lol)
Isn't it great? Yep! Not sure where in Montana this is though.
Glacier National Park is sooo pretty! Wish I could take pictures of it myself! (internet photo)

The Rocky Northwest of Montana. (internet photo)

Not sure of what else there is to do there quite yet.

I think a small corner has some of Yellowstone National Park in it. Also Glacier National Park.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hair cut?

Today I had to trim a small part of my hair. What I mean, is that where my bangs are supposed to be, there is a small tuft that doesn't grow past a certain point and sticks up, so every few weeks I have to cut it back. (lol)
Today, Ari and I were in the bathroom brushing our teeth, and she noticed the hair in the trash. "Is that your hair?" she asked. "Yep. I had to trim it a little."

After we were done brushing our teeth I shut off the light and Ari ususally follows. This time she turned the light back on. I didn't think much of it. She was probably looking in the mirror, or waiting for the Hermit crab to poke his head back out.
About a minute later she came out of the bathroom and came to me saying "My hair was tickling my eyes, so I had to...." I cut her off. "Did you cut your hair?!"
Uh-oh, was the only look on her face! lol. She trimmed her bangs just a biggy. :)  I fixed them and let her know that was NOT ok. I don't think she will try that again lol.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day numero uno!

I've decided, with the help and perssuasion of my best friend, Darcie, to start a blog. I'd wanted to start one, but didn't know what to write about. Well, it's my blog and I can write about whatever I please! :)

Right now I have so many things that I want to blog about that I don't know where to start, so I'll just let everyone know I'm starting one! Tee-hee!