Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ari and her dog

You know how there is "The boy and his dog" ?

Well this time it's "a girl and her dog".

We got Bindi when Ari was about 18 months old. Ari wasn't much into her, of course she loved her, but it was nothing like the relationship between Arianna and Zoe.

From day one Zoe was Ari's dog. And ever since they've had the typical child and dog relationship. 

the ride home after picking up our new puppy

Feb 2009

Nov 2010

On Ari's very first day of pre-school we were waiting outside for Ari's bus to come.
"Where's Ari?" ~then Zoe would look for the big scary bus that took Ari away~

Once Ari stepped off that bus that dog acted as though she hadn't seen in her a LONG time and was

worried about her. She "screamed" with excitement.

Ari trying to walk as Zoe jumps up to welcome her home from her 1st day of pre-school

Zoe even slept right next to her during the thunder and lightening storm we had the other day

(while the big 'baby' labrador hid under the bed!)

Ari likes to dress her dog, brush her and help with her baths.

She nick-named her Zoe my Homie, and also gave her a middle name!

Zoe Marie Jones.

Maybe this is why I'm so fond of Zoe. Because I know how much Ari cares about her. And I know how much

Zoe seems to care about Ari.

My favorite 'story', I suppose you can call it that, is when we were up in Washington for my cousin's wedding.

It was the night before and there was a BBQ. One of the women who was to be a bride's maid was playing with

Ari in the drive way. She was chasing her around saying 'I'm gunna get you!"

But then once Zoe realized this strange woman was chasing her Ari, she went nuts! She was right on this woman's

heels barking loudly at her and trying to block her from Ari. I thought it was pretty cool that she thought she

needed to protect Ari.

Friends having fun

Ari can now take her dog out by herself on walks around the apartment complex.

Sharing a kitten together

I hope I didn't bore you too much with this post to my blog. I haven't updated in a couple weeks and decided I wanted to write about Arianna and her favorite dog.
I could sit here and ramble on about the different things these two do every day... or post more and more pictures... but there are just too many!

Alright, so I'm almost done, and this post isn't supposed to be about JUST Zoe, but I wanted to ad one more part.
Lots of people love our special little dog Zoe...

 Mom loves Zoe
Dad loves Zoe too...

Shane loves Zoe...
 Azariah loves Zoe...well kinda! lol

Lindsey really loves Zoe!
Aunt Phaedra loves Zoe...
Uncle Jimmy loves Zoe...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Not too much to report...

buuuuut, my computer is broken. I had a power shortage, or surge while vacuuming the same time my air conditioner, tv, radio, and a light were all on at the time. Anyhoo, it's happened before, but this time the computer didn't come back to life.
Yes, it was in a surge protector! lol

Another thing that's happened since last time I've blogged is that Bindi went to a new home.
 I was a bit iffy about the family since they are expecting a baby in about 4 months or so. I didn't want them getting Bindi then getting rid of her when she's too much to deal with when a new baby comes.
        They took her to the vet 2 days after they got her.

She is basically blind in both eyes. The vet said that her eyes problem is pretty much an advanced degenerative eye disease The vet gave them an ointment for her eyes.

She has a bacterial infection like a Staph infection (sort of) They'll take her back in about 6 weeks to retest her, but her skin just has a simple infection that is easy to treat

She had fleas pretty bad.

The vet said everything should go great except that her eyes will always need the ointment.

They took their other dog, Pinky in as well since she'd torn her nail off the day before Bindi went home with them.

Here is Bindi the same day they took her home. She seems to have made herself at home!
This was about an hour after they got her!

August 7, 2011- the day they took her home.
Pinky and Bindi

8-12-11 They got Bindi and Pinky new doggie beds and toys!

Friday, August 5, 2011

why am I feeling blahhh?? me no likey!

Most of this year I've been feeling great, only every so often feeling cruddy.
I've been caught up on all my bills, we've had food in the house, the dogs are fine (except Bindi as usual lol) The house is pretty clean. So what am I stressing about? The last couple days it stress from trying to figure out my foodcard. That's been fixed. It could be that my computer is broken. I think that's the main thing right now. I don't know what's wrong with it. I do everything here. I do my hair, and check my email etc... I have my lap top, but it's not the same. Ari doesn't get to play her games... although she only complained the first day.
It could be that Bindi will be leaving soon. I have only seen her a handful of times since she's gone to stay at mom's. I've been less stressed with her gone. Maybe it's the thought that I won't see her anymore...well I'm sure I might... I'll see her in pictures.

I could be feeling stressed or worried because my caseworker for my food and childcard was a jerk to me when he emailed me. I think it's cause maybe he though I was leaving 'snotty' messeges. I wasn't really, but do you ever meet someone or hear someone talking to someone else (you don't know either of those people)_ but it sounds like the one person is being rude or snotty? Maybe that's how he was thinking of me. I wasn't though! I promise! So after I emailed him and wanted to be rude back, but opted to go with being nice and starting the email with "Hello Dave, good morning!"

It could be stress from the "Pug rescue" people. They worked on opening a spot for Bindi, and after speaking with one of the women on the phone, I didn't like how she spoke to me, like I was dumb and couldn't handle my dog and what not. Then once they found out I was looking for a home for Bindi myself they kinda got irritated and rude...It's not their fault I suppose but they could be more understanding and less rushing with this kind of decision. I still don't understand why they wouldn't let me send my info with Bindi

Anyways, I really how no reason to be stressing much. Bindi will be better, the computer will get fixed...maybe not until next week, but it will.
We get to go see Chaske in March... Breaking Dawn movie will come before that so I have a bit to look forward to!
I'm just not feeling as confident as I had been before. Feeling good about myself. I quess with the rudeness I feel like I'm getting it making me feel cruddy... who knows!