Monday, July 20, 2020

My Friend, The Cat Lady

My lovely neighbor Juanita loves cats.
She's a good friend. We borrow things from each other like neighbors do. She lent me money to get a car battery when I needed to move my rig and the battery was dead.She cat sits for me whenever I need her to.
I've been in her house twice. Once to help her get a huge shelf out of her house that she was giving me.
And once when she got a new fridge and she was so excited she wanted to show me.  (Her old fridge was there when she moved in like 16 years ago)

I've always been curious as to how many cats she has.
Our old manager, Cindy's son, made a comment (when I first moved back to the apartments) about the tenant with 50 cats. I've always known she loved cats. Since I've known her she's always had at least one cat. Little did I know she had a lot more than one cat. The one cat was usually outside. When I first moved back into our apartment complex, there were at least 10 cats that hung out outside our area around Juanita's place. A few times random cats would escape or be in the window and she'd claim to be cat sitting for someone. I never saw anyone come or go with their cats though.

As of 7-19-2020 I was asked to come and help her with taking out the garbage and cleaning litter boxes. She said she trusted me to not run my mouth. I was glad to help her for free, but she wouldn't let me refuse the payment.
She was diagnosed with cancer back in Jan or Feb of this year (2020). It was lung cancer, but in her rectum. She has a colostomy bag now. When I went to her home to help her out there were two black cats (lady ebony who is apparently a bombay and juda, both females) a lynx point siamese named Chairman Mau also a female, Annie, the white cat with tabby that escaped several months ago. I forget what she said her actual name was but she said her nick name is Bitchlet. And Hurricane was in there too. The ones that noticed weren't out were Tornado and Yowie... also I haven't heard about GG in a long time. She said Jade had died a while back.

With her being so sick and possibly not being with us much longer I want to help her find homes for the kitties. When I asked a few months back, after she was first diagnosed, she said she was putting money away for them to go to a rescue. But I always imagine her passing and me standing in her apartment helping animal control gather cats and telling them about the cats I know. I'd like to get them in a good healthy home before any of that happens. Mom would like to take Sheba the siamese (which is not Juanita's) and Evil Lyn since they are friends. I would love to take Fluffykins, but with three cats and two dogs of my own I probably won't.  

September 29, 2020- My dear friend passed away on September 26, 2020. I went to see her around 1:30 in the afternoon. I left about 15 minutes later. She was no longer responsive, although I think she knew i was there. I went home and talked with my upstairs neighbor Tyree. I told her she needed to go see Juanita, otherwise she would regret not seeing her. Ty left home around 3:30. Nita passed away shortly after around 4-4:30.

This photo there is Evil-Lynn,                 This photos has Beowolf, EvilLynn, Sylvester,
Hurricane, Ninja, Simba, Beowolf,           Luigi, Gin and Mario.
and Fluffykins. (Ninja belonged
to someone in the back apartments)

Well, when I first moved in there were several cats the hung out outside of her apartment.
There was: Mama Cats, Gin, Sylvester, Mario, Luigi, Hurricane Acme, Bandit, Beowolf, Basil, Fluffykins, Evil Lyn,

Mama Katz- Juanita got Mama Cats in around 2010-2011. She was found in a garbage bag, with three kittens (Bandit, Gin and Evil Lynn) in the arborvitaes (bushes) right by our apt #6  (before we lived there)
Cindy, the manager knew who dumped them but wouldn't say who it was.
Juanita I believe (I didn't live here anymore by that point) got her fixed, but not before she had another litter (or two?) Sylvester, Luigi, Mario, Fluffykins, Hurricane.)
Feb 3, 2020-  Gin died and Juanita said evil Lynn was the last of the 3 kittens who were tossed in a garbage bag. She mentioned that fluffykins was also the last of her litter alive. She said Mario, Luigi and mentioned 2 new ones, Solomon and Gideon were of the same litter and now all dead but fluffykins.
Mama had a tough life. She was put into a plastic bag with her kittens (apparently she carried those kittens into Juanita's house) she was attacked by something (which was why she walked different).
After the apartments were sold all the cats that were living outside, were taken inside her house (except Bandit, until a month or so before he died)
I can't remember how Mama died, but she died in late 2017.

 Bandit- Bandit was found with his mom in a garbage bag. He was the most timid, but also the most unique looking (in my opinion) He wasn't neutered, but also wasn't aggressive toward other males, we actually never saw him fight. He went to the vet in 2017 for some reason. He tested positive for a cat disease. He died either the end of 2017 early 2018. I felt that it had to due with Juanita taking him into her house. Cats that go in there sick, seem to end up dying. Either from stress, or the smell or a combo of both...

Gin- He was a Siamese/tabby mix. Very derpy, cross eyed cat. He was neutered. He went missing in 2015 I think it was. We had no idea where he went, but about 2 months later he turned up. Emaciated, and very scared. Juanita scooped him up and put him inside. I didn't see him for over a year I think. And even know typing this, I think I've seen him twice, when she opens the door to let him out. I guess he rolls on the sidewalk and then runs back in... I was told he lives in a cupboard in the kitchen.
Update: On 2-4-2020 GinGin passed away. He was around 10 years old. Juanita called me to tell me, and i went over to talk to her. She said he was loving on her, head butting her and laid with her for a bit. Then he went back to his cupboard. When she was feeding everyone, she was surprised when he didn't peak his head out like normal. After feeding all the others she went to his cupboard and asked him if he was hungry. He was curled up, sleeping she thought. She touched him and knew right away that he was gone. 

Evil-Lynn- Evil-Lynn is apparently called what she is because if you pointed at her when she was younger (before I met her) she would try to smack you. She was being fed by a neighbor Charlene, and she was nice and fat. But one day, after the maintenance man, Gene put out traps to catch and get rid of some of the cats that were hanging out in the complex, Evil Lynn walked into live trap for a hotdog. Juanita happened to be out talking to Gene, right next to this trap. She couldn't say "that's my cat" because she always maintained that none of the cats outside were hers. She fed them, named them and took them to the vet if needed but she didn't go out and obtain these cats. Anyways, she had to think on her toes and say, "Jess can take this cat and find her a new home. She's really good at that." So I had Evil Lynn for a couple hours until Gene and his wife the manager, Sonja left for the day, Juanita came and got her. She's been inside the house since then. I've seen her in Juanita's bedroom window a couple years ago and she kinda shrunk. She's not chunky anymore. She almost died in I think 2016, maybe 2015. She always hides under the bed I guess, and there was a big flea problem under there. She was so anemic she needed a blood transfusion. She got better and is still alive.  (She was spayed, and I don't believe she ever had any kittens)

This picture of Evil Lynn was taken when she escaped outside. You can see that she is squinting and slight hairloss around her eyes. She looked better now. (She escaped in June I think) As of September 2, 2019, she is still outside (Juanita is letting her be out because she is friends with Sheba the Siamese)

The photo above was taken in Feb 2020. Its Evil Lynn, Fluffykins and Sheba. Evil Lynn and Sheba eat at my place every night, and they are fed by Charlene and I've seen Brandon put food out for Evil Lynn too. So she's nice and fat which is good because they are out in the winter. Fluffykins isn't very big, but she's soft and clean and has been coming outside a bit more.

Sylvester- Sylvester used to hang out with a young grey male cat we named Beowolf. He wasn't very tame when I first moved into #6, but after playing with him for a bit and getting him used to us being around we got him tame and we could pet him and eventually pick him up. Anyways, Sylvester wasn't fixed. He had that scrawny Tom cat body with the big head. He disappeared in November 2015 (I think it was, Juanita wrote down that it was November 2014 that he disappeared) We have no idea what happened to him. The night he disappeared though was the first really cold night. I figure he either froze to death somewhere, or got eaten by something.... At this point, I'm thinking he could very well be in Juanita's house, but I doubt it. She would have said, "I found him! I'm keeping him in."

Mario- Mario was one of the last of the outdoor cats to be outdoors. He seemed to enjoy his freedom. In 2016, was when he became an indoor cat. I haven't seen him but maybe one time. (He is neutered)
Update- I last saw Mario in late 2018 or early 2019. He was a little thin, but not super underweight.
       Juanita told me on April 10, (2019) that Mario had died today. She said he was completely fine the day before, and that she found him dead. I don't remember if she said he made weird meowing noises or not, but he passed away. She has him kept in the freezer (as of the 17th he's still in there) She is saving up to cremate him to make it easier to bury him under the stairs at her front porch (along with Bandit, Luigi, and Stallone... she also plans to bury Kitty Mau under there as well)
Mario was finally buried in August, after Freya died. He is buried under the stairs on top of his brother Luigi.

Luigi- Luigi looked a lot like Mario, except a little darker and a bit more muscley. He was not neutered, and we never saw him fight, until a lady in the back threw her black and white cat out on 4th of July 2015. At the time we thought it was a female and could not understand why Luigi was going after this poor cat. It turned out to be a male cat, probably not fixed.
Luigi always had nasal discharge. He would snot on you sometimes. I knew he was sickly, but I don't know if Juanita really knew. He ended up having the same thing his "dad" did. (I put quotations around that because after a couple of years of being around Juanita, I used to think she had this whole family tree of cats known, but it turns out that if a cat has a characteristic like one of her cats, she thinks they are related. Like a young male cat named Stallone. He was black and white like Sylvester, and he even had a white mark on his nose like Sylvester. Juanita is so sure that Stallone is a Sylvester baby, even though Sylvester was missing almost a year before this kitten showed up.)
Luigi is buried next to Juanita's front porch (Stallone right next to him)

Basil- Basil wasn't Juanita's in the beginning. He moved into apartment #2 with a family back in around 2009ish. He moved in with Juanita shortly after that and never left. He was pretty old when he passed away. He was outside mostly, but got sick I think and was kept inside. He wouldn't eat much toward the end, so when he decided to pig out on Chinese food, the bought it for him! He ended up dying in 2015 I think. He is buried along the side of Juanita's apartment (along with Samuel, and a kitten she named Rosemary)  He was neutered.

Fluffykins- Fluffykin's was Juanita's son Daniel's cat. When I first moved in, Fluffykin's would come visit Juanita (I thought) for a few days here and there because she liked to be able to be outside, and when she was at Daniel's who lived in a hotel, she couldn't go out. Eventually she just ended up being here. She was fixed, and never had babies. She is kept inside most of the time. I see her on occasion when Juanita lets her outside to walk down to the street with her. She has asthma, and gets put in the cage a lot cause she gets in trouble.

Hurricane- Hurricane was pretty timid when we first moved back into the apartments. She was one that I figured my girls would blend in with. Hurricane is not fixed and I don't know how many litters she has had. I know she has had at least 2 and those are recent (within the year of 2018). I don't remember why Juanita took her in. I think she was going to get her fixed? She kept her inside, where she would go crazy in the dog cage she was kept in any time Juanita went close.
Juanita told me she found a new home for her with an older lady, and even was named something else (I don't remember that name) And I thought that was good for Hurricane, until about a year or so later? I saw a tabby cat in Juanita's bedroom window. I realized, after looking at this cat who sat there on and off for days. I compared photos with ones I'd taken when she was outside. It was Hurricane.
Only recently (within the last year or so) I found out for sure. It was when Hurricane had babies (probably December-ish of 2017) Juanita showed me two babies from her bedroom window. A black one and tabby I think. (Moses and Screech) I asked, whose the mama? She said "Hurricane".
Those two babies died from being sucked dry from fleas.
Hurricane had 4 more babies in around April or May 2018. A black and white one (Tornado said like this Tor-nah-dow) two Siamese/tabbies Ginny (after Gin) and Yowie. And a dark tabby with white paws and white on her face, named Series. She showed me when the babies were about 2-3 weeks old. She said she was keeping up on the fleas really good this time, and that she only found 1 flea on each kitten or one kitten, (earlier that day or the day before) but when she brought them out to show me and I was looked at them to see the sexes, they had lots of fleas on them) and she may have been telling the truth and they just got more fleas within that amount of time. IDK.
Hurricane's kittens will more than likely be kept here. One thing she told me in the past that I got to thinking about was that she doesn't like to split up kitty families. Meaning she likes to keep litters with their mom forever... so when she told me this, I didn't think about when she said she gave Hurricane away!
4-17-19- update- Juanita moved out. She thought she was evicted so she packed up as much as she could, took all the cats and moved to Seaside? into a trailer someone gave her. Well. she was gone for about 4 days, before I told her she had a court date posted on her front door. I had been in and out of her place, taking a few things (with her permission) but also trying to clean up the massive mess that was left behind in her rush to get out in the 2 days she felt she had to leave.
When she came back for what I thought was just until the 12th of Feb, Hurricane escaped. I was kind of glad for her, which isn't a normal thing lol. She was out for 3 weeks or so I think. She was in heat I think, so it is possible that she is pregnant again.
I helped Juanita print out a few pictures of her apartment and while looking through her photos there were lots of pictures of lots of different cats that verified to me that all of the cats she said she was baby sitting, were actually her cats. The point I'm getting to is that Juanita had taken photos of a litter of 3 or 4 kittens that were born dead all in different stages of growth. One, the size of a normal newborn kitten, one a bit smaller and one even smaller. There were also photos of the two kittens that made it about 2 weeks.
Feb 3 2020- update. I was always told hurricane was momma cats kitten. Over time I never knew who was related. Apparently a cat called Lady Ebony is her mom. She is still alive.

Juanita put Hurricane outside for the last time in September 2020. She is still outside, roaming. I feed her when she comes around.

Ginny, Ceries, Tornado (said like Tor-nah-doh, instead of Tor-nay-doh), and Yowie

These kittens were born between April and June 2018. I think they were about 6 weeks old when I first saw them in June so I think they were born in April. I've "babysat" them twice. They are always hungry and very ravenous when food is around. Its sad. 
In in March 2019 Juanita told me that Series died. She said she hadn't been doing well and she was the smallest I think. Its so sad because they are only just a year old.
On April 14th(ish) Juanita randomly wanted to show me Ginny and how cute her face was. It was odd. She's never done that and I've seen Ginny before. Well, when she brought Ginny out, she could barely keep her eyes open like it was too bright out for her and she was missing fur around her eyes. That was all I noticed about her but then she wanted me to see Tornado. When she brought him out I noticed the fur on his back feet was super thinned and missing... you could really see the pink skin underneath. His feet were also dirty and clumps of litter stuck to them. It was the same when she brought out the third surviving kitten Yowie who looks like Ginny but with white paws instead of dark grey. His feet were really  dirty and litter was stuck to him. She pulled them all from what I assume was a crate behind the front door. If its the same crate she brings them to my house in, they are sitting in their litter box.
I saw the three remaining kittens in July of 2019 and they looked better. Ginny's eyes were still a little squinty but the hair was grown back. The hair on the backs of Tornado's legs were thinned out but he didn't seem red or inflamed. They are all small (probably malnourished). 
 February 13, 2020- Little Ginny died. None of the "kittens" looked more than a 4-5 months old. even at almost 2 years.

Other cats that she has obtained or that I have seen in her house.

There is:

Kitty- Mau: Kitty Mau is almost 20 years old I guess. She belonged to the same family that had Basil. She was an outside cat for a while, then when Sonja and Gene were going to set traps and round up the loose cats, and Juanita warned Kitty Mau's owners, their response was "Let her get rounded up."
She was outside for several more months and she was fine. Juanita fed her, would let her in sometimes. She'd come into my house sometimes too. Then when the apartments were being worked on Juanita put her in her house. This was around the time we had to clear off our front porches and anything around the front. Kitty Mau would sleep under this stool under Juanita's porch and I was gone.
She is fixed.
Juanita says she is very particular to what bowl she will eat out of and what blanket she will sleep on, but when I baby sat a few cats for Juanita while she had an inspection, Kitty Mau ate just fine out of whatever bowl was in there (even though she had the bowl that Juanita said she would only eat out of) She almost died in late 2017 early 2018, but she perked back up. She has a flea allergy and gets scabby.
Kitty Mau died in August on the 8th. She had been sick a couple weeks before and seemed to get better. Then she went down hill and died pretty fast. I saw her last few breaths. Juanita had her front door open. I went out, waiting for a friend to come look at a couch I was getting rid of. Juanita came up to me and said Kitty Mau was dying. She was gunna try to get her out to have some fresh air. Freya died about two weeks before Kitty Mau.

Freya belonged to Hazel. Hazel has lived in the apartments since her boys were little. I always thought Freya was one of Mama Cats babies, but I guess she is not. I have to double check, cause Juanita had told me before that Freya and Fluffykins were sisters.
When I first moved to the apartments, we hardly ever saw Freya but I had always thought she was really pretty.
She had a flea allergy and was always scabby. Juanita would buy flea meds for Hazel to put on her.
In 2018ish, Freya left Hazel's and moved over to Charlene. Charlene named her Baby, but in January 2019, she got worried when Juanita was "moving" that she would get written up for having Freya and asked Juanita to take her. Well, when Juanita came back she just kept Freya. She slowly went down hill. She did lose weight (she'd gotten quite fat eating at Charlene's) but one night I happened to be taking the dogs out (in August 2019) Juanita came out with this toweled bundle and had Freya. She may have had a stroke. I don't know. But she peed on herself and pooped. And she passed away a couple hours after I saw her. As of Sept 2, 2019 she is in the freezer still, with Kitty Mau. Mario was buried a day or two after Freya died. Freya and Kitty Mau are probably going to be buried under my stairs together. (Photo: taken in 2014. I don't think I have any updated pictures of her. When she lived with Charlene she was really round lol)
As of July 2020, I do not know if she has buried Freya or Kitty Mau... 

September 2020- Freya is one of 7 cats in her freezer. (the others I believe are, Kitty Mau, Zorro, Goblin, Gideon, Jethro, and Ginni. I guessed by going by two lists Juanita had made of cats buried on the Silverton Manor property and the park. There are 7 "things" wrapped in dish towels in giant zip lock bags.)

One-One was Rosemary's brother/dad. He belonged to a family in the back of the apartments. They had an orange female also who I found a home for when she was pregnant for like the 5-6th time. I found her a home (the owners asked me to) I was looking for a home for One One too but the girl told me nevermind on him because she husband was so mad about Pumpkin leaving. One-One was pretty much abandoned and is super skinny.
Juanita had been feeding him on and off for a couple years on her back porch. He used to come regularly to eat but stopped for a long time.
One day, Juanita became alarmed when she saw One One after not seeing him for weeks. He was super skinny and looked like something tried to eat him or attacked him. She said he walked into her house and he's currently in there now, being nursed by Juanita. She said that first night her was there she wasn't sure if he was going to make it. She got up every 30 minutes to feed him.
He is not neutered.

9-6-18- Juanita told me that One One passed away today. She said something about litter and something needed to be cleaned but she wanted to wait for the morning... I know he was already ill but I can't help but think that the smell on top of that didn't help him. The fragerant litter smell is what I'm talking about.
One-One is buried under my bedroom window.

Above is a photo from Nita's SD card. It's One One with what she called the bathroom babies (Yowie, Ginni, Ceries and Tornado)

GG: I was told GG was a black cat she was taking in to get fixed for a family. He escaped her house, so she was trying to catch him, and let the family know what happened.
Then this supposed family decided they weren't coming back for their cat. I think, what was really the case, was this cat was always Juanita's and he just escaped and she was trying to get him back in, which she did eventually. She did let him in and out for a little while because he was hanging out with a kitten that showed up. She was a tortoiseshell, around 3-4 months old when she first showed up. Eventually, Juanita got her inside, and I haven't seen Annie (the torti) or GG for about 2 years. I don't know if GG is fixed.  (No photo- black cat)
September 2 2019- No word on GG since about 2016ish.
July 22, 2020- I was actually able to see all the cats the Juanita has and there is no sign of GG. I have no idea what happened to him. She never said he died, but he must have. 


GG I now believe to be one of her cats named Goblin or Gideon... and they both did die in 2019/2020 after what she calls the "Trip from Hell"

Annie: Annie showed up as a 3-4 month old kitten. She was outside for a couple months before Juanita somehow caught her and took her in. She isn't fixed, unless Juanita took her in at some point to get her fixed but she has never told me that she did. I felt bad recently (end of June 2018) there's a cat in Juanita's room (in a cage... there are a lot in cages I think in her room) anyways, I felt bad cause I could hear a cat crying in there. You know when you try to give a cat a bath and they way they meow is kinda sad, well its like that. It sounds like its saying "hello" and "help" and "ohh"  When I was out talking to Juanita one night and the cat started up again, I kinda laughed and I said "who is that?" and she did this laugh like she was thinking about what I asked but she had to get this laugh out first cause the cats noises were "funny"... anyways, she said it was Annie. And I felt bad for Annie being stuck in the cage all the time. I always wonder how many cats are just sitting in cages in there. And I know its all the time cause the window is open about 2 inches and I hear the same cat all the time. But about two weeks after I asked her that she mentioned Annie being in a different part of the house. My thought was that she was trying to think of which cats does Jess know about (which was why she had to use the laugh to think real quick) OR, Maybe she really does let the cats out from time to time and Annie was in the cage, and then a couple weeks later she wasn't. I don't know. - tortoiseshell )
7-23-2020- Annie is still alive. 

September 29, 2020- Juanita let Annie outside earlier this month. I think she knew her time was coming soon, and was trying to make it easier for herself by letting loose some of the kitties. The fur on Annie's supposed to be fluffy tail is very thinned out.


 Here is Annie when she first showed up. This photo was on Nita's SD card.







Alien cats: There were two cats a couple years ago that would show up in the bedroom window from time to time. There was a black one who I think was named Jade (and another--- don't remember the name) Juanita called them the aliens. I think one or both were Devon Rex cats. These two cats were apparently ones that she baby sat. Which I believed her for a while. But I never see people dropping off or picking up any of these cats that she says she baby sits.
I haven't seen those two in about 2 years.  (No photo)
Update: September 2, 2019- I've heard the name Lady Ebony come up in August. She is apparently Hurricane's mom. This whole time I thought Mama Cats was Hurricane's mom. Lady Ebony (unsure of her age, but at least 10-11yrs-) might be one of the alien cats I saw in the window a few years back. I did see her come outside really quick in August. 

September 29, 2020- I found out that the three Alien sisters are Jade (dead) Juda (released outside) and I think Lady Ebony.

Two black cats: (Lady Ebony and Juda)- When I went to get that shelf out of her living room, there was a stack of dog crates (two high) and I think on the top one, there were two black cats I think. (maybe one on the bottom, I don't remember) She said they were there to get fixed. (I remember now she said she was part of this group that helps cats, they get the fixed and such... but I doubt that was true.) Lady Ebony might be one of these two black cats. GG could be one of these black cats.

Two Siamese Tabbies:  They weren't Gin, but they were Siamese tabbies. There were two of them, and I think one other with them. She was baby sitting these cats. For some reason they were in the back of the Ford Explorer that she had bought from Tyree (my upstairs neighbor) They were in a large dog crate. One or both had pooped in there. (I think they were in there cause she had an inspection I think) If they were cats that she was baby sitting, and they were my cats, I would be kinda mad that they were being made to poop all over themselves.
She needed my helped getting the kennel to her backporch and into her back door. I asked if she wanted me to help anymore than that and she said no. I haven't seen those cats since then. So they were either cats that she baby sits or they are kept in cages in the house somewhere.
Update- Feb 2019- Juanita brought over an SD card for me to help her print photos of her apartment but there were a bunch of pictures of cats too... including several different Siamese tabbies (including Gin)
September 29, 2020- Sinbad could be one of these siamese tabbies.

Beowolf:  I'm only adding him on here because she named him and fed him. He wasn't neutered. He disappeared in 2016 when there were workers here (after the apartments were bought by the new owner) Juanita said she saw him near Home Place with the other cats the hang out over there.
He was hanging out over by Charlene's place, but he just disappeared one day. So he either was sick of the noise and men walking around working, or maybe Juanita put him in her house. I doubt it but maybe.

Rosemary: Rosemary wasn't Juanita's cat either. I was asked to take 5 young kittens. Rosemary got pretty sick, and she was pretty small so I asked Juanita for some help. She was doing ok I guess but then she went down hill pretty quick, and ended up dying. She is buried along the side of the apartments next to Basil and Samuel.

Young white with tabby- I haven't seen it since I took its photo in her window.
Update- In Feb 2019, when Juanita came back from moving out for a few days, this cat showed up again. It had escaped her house. Its a female. I don't know her name. I watched Juanita try to catch it while Groucho and Simba tried to get the food she was using to lure this cat. She told me that this was a cat that was missing and she was trying to catch it for its family. She did catch her, but then about two weeks later when Juanita needed help printing pictures of her apartment for court, the SD card had lots of pictures of cats on it including lots of pictures of this cat.

7-19-2020- I went in to help Juanita out with cleaning since she is really sick and this cat was in there. Its a female. I doubt she'd fixed but never heard of her having babies. Her name is Nike, Her nickname is Bitchlet. 
This picture was
                                                                                         taken when she
                                                                                        escaped in 2019

Juda- I haven't seen this one either since I took its photo in the window. update 7-19-2020- I saw this kitty inside.
 This actually might be either one of the alien cats that she says she babysat or it could be one of the black cats I saw in a crate in her living room.
7-19-2020- I believe this is one of the cats i saw when i helped Juanita clean up. Her name is Juda. Apparently she is the alpha female, and sister to Chairman Mau and Hurricane.

Sasha: She doesn't belong to Juanita. She belongs to apt #2, but they threw her out when their other cat had kittens. They took off her color and practically disowned her. I put her here cause I have a feeling that she's going to end up pregnant (she has two unfixed males following her around, although she hasn't gone into heat yet... she's a young cat) Juanita told me that she would like to take her in the get her spayed before she does end up pregnant, but if she ends up pregnant, I'm betting that she will take her in and we won't see her again.
Sasha was rehomed in August 2018. Brandon told one of his coworkers about her and he came and got her.

Pumpkin Head- Groucho (was his name first)
Pumpkin Head (an orange cat) used to belong to #2. He came to be here with two of his brothers (three orange kittens, one for each of the ladies kids) I knew it was a mistake that this lady got 3 more animals. She had just gotten rid of a big, aggressive dog that she would let run loose. (That was her third dog while living her)
Anyways, one of the cats went missing in December 2017. The lady left in January 2018 to live in Australia for 6 months. She had people move into her apartment, one of them her brother and two other people. The two other people got 2 cats (Sasha and Stevie I think is the other ones name) Stevie had kittens so the couple threw Sasha out. She had her collar on the first few days, but eventually they took the collar off. The two Pumpkin Heads (Juanita's knick name for them) (Groucho was one of the real names) The end of June came around and we were told that Beth (the lady who owned the orange cats) was coming home. About a week or two before she came home, Juanita found the two orange cats in a crate on the back porch of #2. She asked where they were going and she was told that Beth wanted the two orange cats gone before she came back from Australia. We were so mad about that! We didn't understand why she didn't just find them homes before she left, and why she wouldn't wait until she got back and do it herself. Anyways it turned out that the people who lived in her apartment were told to get rid of their cats, not the orange ones.... I'm thinking that Beth just told Juanita that they lied so she wouldn't be mad...
 Juanita and Charlene were both so upset about the two orange cats being gone (One used to follow Juanita around and the other followed Charlene) About 5 days after the orange guys left, the one that followed Juanita around showed back up. She was so happy about that.... anyways. He's in her house now and has only been able to come back out on a leash. Beth knows Juanita has him, but she hasn't done anything to get him back. She knows where the other cat is too. I'm glad that she isn't bringing the other cat back because he would end up in Juanita's house and these cats like being out.
He is not neutered. This picture might actually be one of Groucho's brother's.

Sheba: Is a Siamese girl that started hanging out around the apartments. Juanita started feeding her and she hangs out. We think she probably has or had a home because although she is pretty timid at first she does like being pet once she realizes you're a nice person.
The other day Juanita said that the yard people were out, so she grabbed Sheba and tossed her into the house. I kept thinking, she's going to tell me she opened the door for Sheba to go out and she just didn't wanna go out, and I'd know it wasn't true. But later that day she let her back out.
September 2019- Sheba is still here. She has lost a bit of weight and is skinny but not super skinny. I think she is an older cat.

As of Feb 3, 2020 two new names of cats have been mentioned. Both are passed away and apparently from the same litter as fluffykins. Solomon and Gideon.
Feb 9th 2020 - Juanita called me to ask me to keep a look out for a cat that escaped. It was a name i'd never heard... Chompers. as of July 2020, Chompers is still loose outside, I have never seen him/her and can't remember the coloring.

February 13, 2020- Little Ginny died.  Juanita called me to tell me she died and doesn't know why. She said she heard a low meow kind of how Kitty Mau used to meow, then heard another and went to check what was going on and found Ginny dead.

Cats Mentioned: 

I don't know who Zorro is, but when Juanita was telling me about One One passing away, she said she had all the cats say goodbye to him, and Zorro touched his head with his paw. I've never heard Zorro mentioned before.
7-22-2020- I went into Juanita's apartment to feed and water the cats while she went to the emergency room by ambulance. There were four males in a cat cage. The next day, the 23rd when I came over to clean litter boxes, she said the males were Sinbad?, Yowie (lynx point siamese), Tom-Tom (tabby) and can't remember the other but it wasn't Zorro. 

Zorro is dead.

Chompers - she disappeared around May/June 2020 and wasn't seen again. Littermate to Chairman Mau

Chairman Mau (in photo below)- this could be one of the few Gin look alikes i've seen in the past (the ones she said she was babysitting)
July 19, 2020- I saw this kitty inside Juanita's house. She is a female. Unsure, but doubtfully spayed. Supposed sister to Hurricane and Juda and I think Bitchlet, which means Lady Ebony is their mother.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Day 1-  Friday March 13, 2020-
              I didn't send Ari to school today and I didn't have Charlie today. I've only had him three days this week. The Governor of Oregon canceled all schools in Oregon starting on Monday and opening back up on April 1, 2020. This is getting crazy! This has never ever happened in my life time. School was only ever canceled because of snow, and once because of a wind storm when I was in like 4th grade.

 Day 2- Saturday March 14, 2020- It feels like a normal Saturday.

 Day 3- Sunday March 15, 2020- We didn't go to church. It was decided we would do it online through Facebook Live. We went to Mark Twain elementary to play at the park.We had fun and after some obnoxious kids left, and left behind a weird football and a basket ball, he grabbed them up and took them with us. I don't know if they belonged to those kids or not, but we took them.

We went to mom's to hang out for a bit. I wanted to go hang out after hearing there might be a quarantine and we may not be able to visit for a while.

 Day 4-  Monday March 16, 2020- First day of the no school order. I didn't have Charlie because Lindsey wasn't working. I was thinking she might go work at Season's to keep making money so i was, I don't wanna say worried, but I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have him.

 Day 5- Tuesday March 17, 2020- The governor announced that schools throughout Oregon would not reopen on April 1st, but on April 28th.

 Day 6- Wednesday March 18, 2020- Caius painting some pretty pictures today.

 Day 7- Thursday March 19, 2020- We took the dogs for a walk around the apartments. We walked around the complex, out to the road and around like 5 times, just to get the dogs out and get us out of the house for some fresh air.

 Day 8- Friday March 20, 2020- We were gunna take the dogs for a walk, but Julie wanted us to visit and said we could bring the dogs over to exercise them. I wanted to wait until after Lee went to work so we didn't go until 6ish and we were only going to hang out for about an hour. The dogs played for a bit. Jack and Pudge finally met and just like I knew, Jack didn't like Pudge. Jack ignored Pudge at first until Pudge barked at Jack. That's when Jack wanted to attack him. Rigo held onto Pudge's leash while I held Jack to try and let them sniff, but Jack kept snapping at Pudge (Jack was wearing his muzzle) and Pudge growled at Jack. There was no letting there be a loose leash, cause Jack is just nuts. So Pudge went back inside and whined and barked the whole time.
We went home where I had a roast cooking for us.

 Day 9- Saturday March 21, 2020- Today was pretty boring. I took Caius outside to play at the playground on our complex. 

 Day 10- Sunday March 22, 2020- Me and Caius took a walk to Mark Twain. I wasn't sure it was allowed or not but we went for a little while. We had fun. Ari stayed home, she didn't even know we left!

 Day 11- Monday March 23, 2020-

 Day 12- Tuesday March 24, 2020- Today, i took a bag of dried pinto beans and split peas and put them in a big pot. Then gave Caius a water bottle that i cut the bottom off of to be a funnel and he played with that for over an hour. Beans were all over the floor but it kept him busy and he had a lot of fun. I got a little anxious at the end because i kept cleaning up the beans and they kept ending up on the floor. I annoyed myself with getting anxious, but it was started to rub off on Caius who was then getting cranky too.
After I put Caius to bed i went in the back room where the big freezer is and starting chipping away at the ice. I have only done it one other time since we moved into the apartment, that last time being last year! The ice on the top shelf came down about 8 inches or so! It took me about 2 hours! I had gloves on and then medical gloves over that otherwise i would have had to quit much sooner because my hands would have gotten too cold. There was a lot of build up and a pile of ice outside that lasted 2 days.

Day 13-

Day 14-March 26, 2020- We all painted today. Caius did his water colors in his chair and me and Ari painted on the table except i was closer to the computer. I finished my painting of Ari and Zoe in the rain.

Day 15- Friday March 27, 2020-  I made French toast and bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I used to always want to be able to stay home and make breakfast for the kids and I am able to do that really haven't done it that much. So it was nice!

Day 16- Saturday March 28, 2020-

Day 17 Sunday March 29, 2020- It rained last night and there were a bunch of worms out. This morning i took the garbage out and rescued two worms that would have  dried up and died. I decided that in a little while we would go out and rescue the worms that were stuck on the pavement since it was getting warmer out and wasn't raining anymore. So I got Ari and Caius to come put with me with some dixie cups to go out and pick worms up. We saved quite a bit!

 Day 1- Monday, March 30, 2020- 

 Day 19- Tuesday, March 31, 2020-  I painted my finger nails, and Caius wanted his painted too, so i painted his finger nails.

Day 20- Wednesday April 1, 2020- April fools day! I shared a post about the governor announcing that school will resume on July 1, 2020. A friend on facebook had shared it so when i first saw it was about to get mad! Then I saw comments from her friends getting mad and she said "click the link" so i did, and it says "You've been Pranked! April fools!" Thank gosh.

Day 21- Thursday April 2, 2020-

Day 22: Friday April 3, 2020
        Today mom was going to sneak over for a visit. Not really sneak, ya know.
I hadn't really talked to her about her coming over so I text her saying "Hiiii" and she said she was still coming over, but she would be running late. That was fine because I Juanita had asked me to run her to the bank and Wilco yesterday, so when she called this morning and asked when we would go, I told her mom was visiting around 11 and Ari's teacher was going to call at noon to talk to her. I didn't need to be here for that but I wish I had been so I knew what she said. (She called to talk to Ari. She was calling all her students to discuss doing online assignments starting next week. Which is good!)
So I called Juanita back and let her know we could go in a few minutes. I had done my hair, and needed to get Caius dressed.
Juanita ended up needing to go, first to the bank.She wanted to go in, instead of at the drive up ATM, which was fine. She paid me $20 for the internet, which she does every month. Then we headed over to Wilco where she needed to get some pellets that she uses as cat litter. I parked next to a nice light blue car that looked like Julie's and wondered if it was. When I saw the car seat in the back I knew it was hers. I couldn't text her to tell her we were out in the parking lot, cause I'd left my phone home for Ari. Juanita came out before Julie, who I'd seen from a distance out in the garden area.
After Wilco she needed to go up to Safeway, so we drove up there so she could pay her PGE. Me and Caius stayed in the car each time she went in. We parked at the far back of the parking lot and waited for Juanita to come back out. I picked her up near the entrance, then she wanted to go to Dairy Queen, and get us all some lunch so we went through the drive-thru, since all the restaurants are closed, except for drive thrus and orders to go only. There were like 5 cars in front of us! We got home at 12:20, and I remembered the time because Ari was on the phone with her teacher. She went to her room to talk, and mom was there when we got home. We were gone for probably 45 minutes or so.
Mom and I talked for a couple hours. It was nice to catch up. I haven't seen her in it feels like forever. She's dealing with crazy neighbors!
I put Caius down for a nap after 2:30. I didn't realize it was so late. I like to get him down around 1:30 or so. I had planned on maybe napping with him, or at the same time anyways, but didn't. Mom left about an hour after I put him down. After mom headed out, I sat at the computer to work on my story "Rain and Tushka." I've been working on it for a few weeks. I started it back in I wanna say 2016.
 Caius woke up around 4:20ish. He fell off his mattress I think, and it scared him. I went and laid with him for a few minutes before we got up. I gave him a little bag of Doritos. I wasn't ready to make dinner yet, and I had no idea what I was gunna make, and I was sure he was hungry. I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't wanna hear him screaming.
        I typed a little bit more on my story, but quit for now. Caius wanted me to chase him. I felt bad cause I had a headache again and just wasn't up for it. I was feeling really drowsy.
I decided to pull out the hide a bed. I never sleep on it, but I figured we could lay on it. I always have these ideas of cuddling with Caius but he NEVER sits still, and he didn't disappoint this time either. I put on Wreck It Ralph and laid down. I know i dosed off for a few minutes, but Caius kept jumping around. I did help a little bit to shut my eyes.
The movie ended and I put on My Dog The Thief and decided to heat up the pork fried rice that we ordered a few nights ago. I didn't want it to go to waste, but it really wasn't that great. Its very dry, so I added some water.

Day 23- Saturday April 4, 2020

Day 24, Sunday, April 5, 2020-  Shane's 24th birthday. But we couldn't celebrate because of quarantine.
We drove to the Abbey today after "nap" time. Caius didn't nap. I had a short nap. We got to the Abbey and I pulled my camera out of my purse. I realized I had forgotten to put the battery in it. Ugh! I sat there for a minute and Ari asked if I wanted to go home and get it. So we did. We did because we could. We weren't on a time limit. We had no where to be, so we drove home. I grabbed both batteries. One had been in the charger the other not. When I got back to the car, the battery that had been in the charger was drained. What!? I put the other in and it seemed to be ok. We we headed back to Mt. Angel. We parked again and got out. I started taking photos and the battery started flashing already that it was dying. Ugh! I think its time for new batteries. So I got a couple decent pictures before it died. I had my phone still. We were there maybe 20 minutes. I wanted Caius to get some of his energy out, but once we'd gone near the wall, where there is a drop off into some pokey bushes and you can see the nice view, he wanted to be on the wall without me holding him so I made him get down. He screeched and screamed. People were up there, and it was so peaceful and quiet and I felt bad because Caius's screaming was just piercing. So i grabbed him up and we left. I filmed his melt down. (Sent it to Julie later and I wish I hadn't. lol) I sat outside the car for a few minutes and made a Marco Polo video for Darcie. Once I felt calm, I got in the car and we headed for home. We went down Academy street, rather than through town. Then down Hook Road. I wanted to show Ari the Osprey nest that has been there for years. It was cool! 

Day 25- Monday, April 6, 2020- Today was a rough day! I was so tired and cranky. I had a mini anxiety attack, and was yelling. Caius has been really frustrating lately. I was feeling really overwhelmed. I think me yelling constantly doesn't help him, and it just get even more frustrated. I cried a lot today because I was just feeling trapped. I think I told Lee today or yesterday that he could take Caius if he wanted to, and I wasn't sure how he felt about taking him during this pandemic, but I wanted to put it out there that he could. And he said thanks, and he said he was worried about taking him but he wanted to. I said, yeah i get it, or something along those lines. Two days later (I haven't brought it up since) he says "We wanna see him but my parents are worried about who you've been around and me too. (I wish i saved that message because the way it was worded when i read it was his parents were worried about who both of us have been around but now I'm wondering if he was meaning he was worried too.. i dunno) whatever. I was annoyed because other people are continuing there parental rights... and watch, as soon as all this is over, they're gunna wanna take him. And I'm not gunna want that. Because it isn't fair that Lee just get to come and go as he pleases. I'm getting off topic.

Day 26- Tuesday April 7, 2020- Today was a little better. I was really trying to be calm and not yell. I was set off though when Ari made Caius start screaming. Something about a certain pitch his scream gets to that just sets me over. I brought myself back to trying to be calm.

Day 27-  Wednesday April 8, 2020- The Governor announced that school would be closed the rest of the school year and reopen in September. One feeling is relief. I'm kind of glad to not have to deal with school and getting up early and having a long 5.5 month long "vacation", even though it's not supposed to be viewed as a vacation. Another feeling I had when i was thinking about it, was sadness. I didn't know that the very last day Ari would have in 8th grade, her last middle school year would be March 12th. She most likely won't have an 8th grade graduation. They may do something at a later point, but nothing has been said.
We went on an evening walk around town. We went down Mill st. Then down 3rd street and turned down our old street, Drake St. Our old duplex still looks like home. I wanted to walk up the drive way and go home. We walked down past Lindsey house. Caius wanted to go down the slide. I'm sure we could have but no one was home. We walked down Jersey st, and then turned again on 1st? and walk down through town and then headed home. I got annoyed at the end of the walk because Ari seemed to be in a hurry to get home. All she's been doing in playing on her Switch and not much else. I need to get her to do other things. She is supposed to read for 20 minutes and write in a journal so she's been doing that.

Day 28- Thursday April 9, 2020- We went outside and blew some bubbles, and drew on the sidewalk with chalk. I had a bucket of water out there and Caius climbed into it and got all wet. I ended up taking his clothes off.

Day 29- Friday April 10, 2020- Today I had Caius do some painting and Easter crafts.
I wasn't sure what to make for dinner so we went to Papa Murphy's for a pizza. I've been wanting try their triple pepperoni. Pepperoni isn't my favorite but I thought the cup pepperonis looked so good.I got a Caesar salad and a tub of cookie dough.

Day 30- Saturday April 11, 2020- I boiled some eggs so the kids could dye them later. After nap time (my nap, Caius, wouldn't nap), we headed over to mom's I needed to get her crock pot for tomorrow's ham and drop off a package that came earlier this week. (ended up putting the brussel sprouts in there since the ham was too big) After mom's we headed over to Julian's because he'd invited us over for dinner. We were supposed to have pizza. We had pizza last night, but we knew already Julian invited us over for pizza. We took too long and he wanted to go get some food already so he said to just go in while he went to Woodburn for some food. We waited in the car and played on our phones. Caius didn't nap, so he almost fell asleep in the car, but woke right up when we were getting out. Julian had ordered me and Ari some camarones in creama and he got the same but his was spicy and he ordered Caius a chicken taco/ chalupa thing. We stayed until after 7 when I realized we still needed to dye the eggs and Caius was getting tired and cranky, so we headed out. When we got home we dyed the eggs. I should have done more, cause 6 each wasn't enough. We were done in like 10 minutes i think. Caius wanted to keep dying the eggs, and had a melt down when we were done.
I got him to bed just before 9.

Day 31- Sunday April 12, 2020- Easter Sunday. It was a great day! I've really been looking forward to today. I bought a ham a couple days ago and some fixings to have a table filled with food all day long so the kids could just graze on it all day. I invited mom to have an early dinner with us. I was a little worried she would try to set something up to have at Lindsey's. For a few years I've just wanted to do something little at my house and invite mom but she changed it last year. I understand she wants us all together. Anyways, church service was supposed to be at 11 but they were having trouble so after the kids went through their Easter baskets, I had Ari get Caius dressed while I took some plastic eggs outside to "hide". I forgot to pick up the dog poops from this week so after throwing the eggs down, i picked up dog poop.
I went in and sent the kids out to get the eggs. Caius had so much fun. We did 3 egg hunts, but Caius started pooping out during the 3rd one. There was a dollar bill in one of the eggs that was forgotten about since last year. Caius and Ari played with Caius's new chalk for a little bit before we needed to get back in. The church service which was changed to 2pm was now going to be on at 12:20. While i watched that, I was preparing the snack trays. I decided to let Caius go to town on any candy he had found. He ate all his little Lindt chicks except one he gave to me. He opened his chocolate bunny and was eating on that. He munched on a couple crackers, cheese and salami before i put him down for a nap. I missed the communion, so Ari and I took the oyster cracker and grape juice and did it on our own real quick. The service was over just after 1 I think.  I put the trays on the table with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, ranch dip and pickles, then on another tray, salami, cheese, crackers, and olives.
We were snacking on those a bit. I put the ham in the over around 12 at 250*F. I made the bacon for the brussel sprouts.
Then I did my hair, had Ari take out the trash and put away the clean dishes so i could do the dirty dishes.
I stuck the brussel sprouts in the crock pot after i was going to sear them in the pan a bit.
At 3, Caius woke up and had a lot of fun going through the food that was put out. I almost forgot to put the chips out, so I put those out. Caius ate more candy. He was rather calm today considering all the sugar he was eating. Maybe just being full was helping him. I dunno. Just going with the flow of things for me is great. I am not a time limit person. I do not like having to be somewhere at a specific time. I'm horrible at it, so today was just great. I put the potatoes in the oven at 3, drizzled with olive oil and parmesan cheese and garlic salt. I made mashed potatoes and gravy at 3:45 and pull the ham and potatoes out at 4. Everything was ready for when mom and Shane got there.
Mom came just after 4, she said Shane wasn't coming, but then she talked him into it because I had a card for him.
My Easter resolution is to try and be more like I am today. Calm, and just letting things go with the flow, like I used to when Ari was really young, and not be so nit picky and angry about things i can't change. I am excited to be a new me, especially for the kids. I don't want Caius to always remember me as being a cranky mean mom. And I don't want to look back and wish that i could redo everything with him. Because he is my last. And i need to soak up this time i have with both kids, during this time when i dont have to find a job because of the pandemic.

Day 32- Monday April 13, 2020- Caius woke up just after 4am. I don't know why, but i got him back to bed. I woke up just after 9 and laid there a bit. That darn neighbor Joe knocked on my door a few minutes later. I wasn't going to answer but he knocked again louder so i answered. Jerk. He was bringing cans over to "pay me back" for helping him so much. I just need to tell him no, it's fine. Because there a beer cans in bags outside my door. It looks trashy lol.
I needed to clean the dishes from yesterday, so i let Caius out after i got some coffee and went pee.
I  had a text from Keith. He was asking if i would watch the kids tomorrow if i wasn't busy. I got anxious. I don't really want to but at the same time i miss the kids. So I said "Yeah, what time?" he took a few hours to get back to me. I'm needed at 9:30. Not excited about that, as I said earlier I HATE being places at specific times, and the earlier the harder.
But its only for 2-3 hours so we'll see. Lindsey is going to work i guess, which makes me anxious too cause i don't want to baby sit the kids. I do not. I don't want to do it anymore. Like I said before, i want to relax and enjoy this time i don't have to stress about working during this pandemic.
I put Caius down for a nap at 12:30? He's still not sleeping. I'm gunna have to go in and put him back in his bed, cause he's kicking a wall. I'm going to take a nap too and we'll go out and hide eggs again when he wakes up. Ari left to Glissa's house just before I put Caius down for a nap.
At 11 she had a video meet up with her AG teacher Mrs. Flood. She has some schooling at home that she needs to do.


September 7, 2020- I took Caius to Mark Twain around 6ish to fly a kite. The wind was starting to pick up from a storm we were going to have. We got it up pretty high for a little bit, but it didn't stay up. There was smoke rolling in. I had just heard about a fire in Detroit and was told that's what it was from. 

We hung out there for a bit. Caius even ran with the kite himself! 

September 8, 2020- I went to bed after 3am. I knew I would be tired the next day but I was planning on taking a nap. I woke up at 9:30 to the sky being really yellow and a smoky smell in the house! It was so creepy! I usually look at my phone before I get up from the couch, so that's what I did. I saw that we were in what they called a Level 1 "Get Ready" evacuation. I was like like "What the heck!" I didn't panic but I definitely started gathering things together. I went into the backroom. I told Ari and she got up. I grabbed my suitcase and a bag and started putting in things like underwear and socks and tank tops and jeans. I was packing as though I was going camping for the weekend. I think I had some coffee. Caius came out of his room. By a little after 1 pm, they had moved us up to Level 2: Be Set. 

All day I spent checking the news on facebook. I went back and forth between Metcom 911, Marion County Sheriff's Office page and Silverton Connections, which was more updated it seemed. 

The sky stayed yellow all day long. I knew that afternoon I wasn't going to be taking a nap. What if i missed Level 3 to get out?! I text Lee and told him I was keeping Caius home today. I don't think he responded to me. Julie ended up calling me though to talk about the smoke. I explained to her what Level we were. She didn't understand the severity of it until I explained. It seemed like she thought I was over reacting until I explained. She said we should come over there. I said we would if it came down to it. Lee ended up calling eventually after he must of talked to his mom. 

Once we went to level 2, I had packed a bunch of food, spoons, forks, can opener. I put the two cat carriers in the car, our bags, and blankets. 

I  got a little bit worried about Juanita. I didn't know what she was going to do. And her 12 cats. She was so sick at this point she could barely walk. 

I put Caius down for a nap around 2pm. I almost felt like i shouldn't. Lee called a little bit later. We talked about what was going on a little bit and he said we should just come over now.  I told him Caius was taking a nap and that when he woke up we would come over. I didn't want to leave home. And if we had to leave, I would go to my mom's. I made eggs and bacon for dinner.   

I was exhausted but couldn't sleep. I finally went to bed at like 2:30, maybe sooner. I kept the ringer up just in case we got the call. I woke a few times in the night. 

September 9, 2020- Woke up to a yellow sky again, although it wasn't as yellow. The sky was really smokey. By 4pm the sky was red. No joke. It got dark enough that the street lights came on.

Juanita called me to help her out. I think she said the cats had broken her tea set. Sure enough a whole tea set was shattered on the kitchen floor. I was a little worried she might be mad that I hadn't checked on her during this time. She wasn't. I assured her we were still home. I asked her what she was going to do. She said she thought she was on some list for an ambulance to pick her up if we had to evacuate. She said she would leave the back door open for the cats if it came down to it, so they had a chance. I wouldn't have been able to take her, although if we had to I would have taken her. Mom and Darcie both told me I shouldn't be worried about Juanita, that I had to worry about us first.

September 10, 2020- Silverton and Mt. Angel remain at level 2.

September 11, 2020- Silverton/Mt. Angel still level 2.

September 12, 2020- Silverton/Mt. Angel level 2

September 13, 2020- Silverton/Mt. Angel level of evacuation changed to level 1.

September 14, 2020- Silverton/Mt. Angel level of evacuation changed to level 1


September 15, 2020- Silverton and Mt. Angel were taken off the evacuation chart. 

September 16, 2020-
I renamed this entry, 2020, from Quarantine diary's

Yesterday was Ari's birthday. We didn't do anything. Well, actually we went and opened her a bank account at Maps. Julian wanted to open her an account in Woodburn but they were closed the day before. I kind of felt bad because he wanted there to be a Spanish speaker there and they told me there would be, but there wasn't one, so Julian just sat there. And I think he wanted to be attached to it so he could put money her in account.

September 17-

September 18- 

September 19- 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Cesar the Leopard Gecko

She died tonight. February 29, 2020.
Its so weird. And sad.

I've had her for so long, it seemed like I'd just have her forever. I had her before Ari. Before any of the other animals I have now.
She's moved everywhere with me. I've kept her even when i probably shouldn't have (money wise, and access to her type of food)
When I look at her empty tank it makes me sad. I'll take it down tomorrow probably.
I'm not sure what was wrong with her. At first i thought maybe she got impacted from the play sand i was keeping her on.
I've kept her on sand (meant for reptiles) saw dust, paper towels, crushed walnut shells, and she's always been fine. I know it only takes one time for them to have issues. So when I noticed she wasn't doing well, i started looking stuff up. I took the sand out right away and put her on paper towels. I made sure to watch for poop. She pooped, but not normal poop. It was small. But i soaked her in warm water, got some stuck shed off her face. I tried to feed her some meal worms but she didn't eat them. I went to wilco to buy some crickets but all of their crickets were dead. I was going to buy some canned crickets, but I knew i'd be wasting my money. She wouldn't eat them dead. Freshly dead, yes, but not canned.
So I ordered some wax worms a couple days later (when i had money). I thought they'd take to long to get here but surprisingly they got here 4 days before i expected them.
I cut one open and tried to force her to eat it with no luck. I should have tried harder, but even then i think it was too late for her.
She wasn't really opening her eyes much. She had lost a lot of weight and fat.
I wish i would have tried sooner to do something for her.

The night she died, I was sitting down to eat, when i went to check her real quick and saw her tail first, then realized she was upside down. I almost didn't notice because her belly is while and blended with the paper towel. I touched her, thinking she was dead, that she died within a couple of hours ago. When i touched her she kind of moved so i scooped her up. She was barely there. I grabbed a syringe and went to get some warm water to force down her a bit. After i saw her gulp a little, i got the ReptiBoost, a complete supplement that provides energy and helps sick reptiles. I forced some of that down and kept thinking of the video of a pretty much dead bearded dragon and guy saved. He said there were several times he thought the dragon had died. In the video he was in he was holding the beardie in his hand, and it was on the road to recovery. In clips he showed, the dragon was limp and looked dead. That's how Cesar looked. So i kept trying. I'd put her back in her cage for a while, let her rest and warm up on her head pad, and go back 15-20 minutes later and do it again. After I ate, i went back and tried again.
 Before that video I'd watched I contemplated ending her suffering and drowning her, which i know sounds horrible but I didn't want her to be like this for hours if she was going to die anyways. But she would move a little more, so i kept trying and kept praying that God give her a shot.
I kept thinking how amazing it'd be if she went from limp, pretty much dead Cesar to gaining some energy and surviving another 15 years. I was going to record her some, but decided not to, and just focus on what i was doing.
After I ate, i check her again and her arms were stiff. I'd pick her up and massage her chest, kind of like chest compressions (I did that a few times when i thought she'd died already, and she'd show me she was still there.)
I couldn't quite tell if she was there anymore, so i set her down. This time her head didn't fight flopping like it did before. She was completely limp, and when i tried to give her more water, it would sit in her throat and when i put her back in her tank, it drained out on the paper towel.

I tried working with her a little more, but could just tell she was gone now. I was going to wait to bury her until tomorrow, but decided I should just do it now. I buried her on my back porch in a wood planter with just dirt in it. I figure in a few months, (this sounds morbid) I could dig her up and preserve her skeleton.... maybe!? I don't know yet. It's just fresh so I feel like i need to hold on to her. 

It's going to be so weird not having a tank with a gecko in it.
I've had so many geckos over the years.
First was Sammy. But I didn't have her more than 2 years I'd say. She was attacked by Pawsom our cat, and died from infection (she did go to a vet who didn't know much about leopard geckos and tried to make me feel (and succeeded) incompetent. While they were treating her, she dropped her tail, which they said was caused by metobolic bone disease and that she requires a UV/UVB light. Wrong. You can have those. But they aren't needed, as leopard geckos are nocturnal. I wonder if this vet told me this so i wouldn't sue her for injuring my gecko further. When i mentioned that I had an incubator with eggs in it at home she said "Oh, cool. Sounds like you're doing something right."

Cesar was 2nd. I actually thought she was a male. She was pressed up against the glass at Petco with a bunch of other babies and i was sure I saw the bulge. Wrong lol. Silly me. I knew you couldn't sex geckos until they were older.
I don't remember why I named her Cesar. It could have been after the Dog Whisperer, but i doubt it. I don't think i knew who he was at that point (2002)
Cesar laid her first clutch of eggs in, i wanna say March 2003. I didn't have an egg candler so, I did a really stupid thing. I cut one of the eggs open to see if it was growing anything, killing the baby inside. If I'd known any better, which I'm sure i did, I would have known if it was bad because it would have just deflated pretty much. Both looked fine. I left the other one alone, until he hatched on May 23rd, 2003. I thought he was a girl for a while.
Cesar was bred to my 3rd leopard gecko, Diego.

I got Diego from a guy in Corvalis, a breeder called Beaver State Reptiles. He had leopard geckos and ball pythons. He was sending a bunch of males to someone, and he was giving me one for free if I could pick it up. I had no clue where Corvalis was.
I asked Eddy if he could take me to get it. He didn't want to drive all the way out there, but he did it anyways, with hardly any complaint.
 I picked out Diego, from a 10 gallon with a bunch of other males, which even at the time was weird to me. You aren't supposed to house males together. I wanna say there were 10 or more in the tank.
I forget the guys name.
We got Diego and went home. This was March 23, 2003.
I named Diego after the saber tooth tiger in Ice Age. I liked the name.

I had my three geckos for a few years. They moved with me into my first apartment with Ari.
I found a new home for Orange Sprinkles when he was 5 or 6 years old, in May 2009.
Sobe was the 2nd baby born. Rain was her sister, but she escaped the box I was keeping them in and I never found her (We lived in an old farm house and i think she some how go in between the walls, from a small less than half inch crank between the floor and wall.) 
Sobe lost her tail when she was still a baby, when Shane and Holly were messing with her. I was so angry.
Sobe was named after the Sobe drink with the lizard.
She moved with me when i lived with Jenny. She was living in a lego container because one of Jenny's kids broke her tank. She some how escaped that, and I never found her again. She either got outside through the sliding glass door or something.

Sammy, Cesar, Diego, Orange Sprinkles, Sobe, Rain, Sunshine, Senorita, Scream, a few babies in there that didn't have names. Toothless, Hiccup, Astrid, Monstrous Nightmare, Banana, Blue, a few more babies,