Friday, September 23, 2011

September 2011

Well, I haven't blogged for a while:

So far Ari has started kingergarten (on the 12th)
She had her 6th birthday on the 15th followed by a party on the 18th. That turned out great!

We are preparing to move. I thought I'd be able to get a lot packed but still, here we are at the end of the month I'm still waiting for MCHA to kick in and get things rolling. Its annoying how hard they are to get a hold of!

Sept 23rd 2011. 8:42pm

Ari has a blanket tied around her neck like a cape. I walked toward her like I was gunna get her so she ran and screamed "Don't get me!" I had a little fan that I waved in front of my face and said "I won't." She said "Doooon't get me!" again, waving my fan I said "Don't worried I won't."
Ari said. "Mom! You have to get me!" haha she's so funny!

Friday, September 2, 2011

September...a month FULL of memories

Well, today is just the begining of September, but for several years it's been a month full of memories.

For more to begin with is always the dreaded begining of school. Since I no long have to dread it, it's not terrible anymore.

A memory that comes to mind is 9/11. It's been just about 10 years now (a few days more) I remember waking up in our Mt. Angel townhouse on 255 W. College st. #5. I woke to my horrible sounding alarm clock, that dreaded EH EH EH EH EH EH sound, that gives me a heart attack and drags me over an imaginary gravel road.
After turning it off I did my usual routine of going to the bathroom to wet my hair in the shower, 'dry' it with a towel and head back to my room to put it in the usual pony-tail that I've worn for several, several years. I was listening to 95.5 (back then it was Jammin' 95.5, a hip-hop station) But they weren't playing their normal music or even making fun of certain celebrites. Nope. They were talking about some darn play that crashed into some darn building all the way over in New York. A building I've never even cared to learn about.
Little did I know how big it was. I think think it was still at the point before the 2nd plane had hit, also little did I know how major this was.
But at the time, it was just some random thing that was interupting my music.
I don't remember if I switched the station or not, but I remember that when we were at school, Mr. Kuppenbender had the TV on in his room so we could all watch it.
Through out the day people were allowed to go to the library and watch it on the TV they had set up in there.
       I remember talk from the teachers that school might end up being let out early because of fear of an attack on schools. But that didn't happen. Oktoberfest was almost closed down as well. That didn't happen either.
A couple days after the attacks (durning Oktoberfest) I remember my brother Tyler (about 14 at the time) saying he didn't know what the big deal was, why everyone was freaking out about it. We were sitting outside at night with our landlord Chuck and my mom. Both mom and Chuck said it was a big deal because people were dying.
            I look back on that day, and realize how much it would scared me now then it did back then, when hardly nothing scared me.

Alright on with more memories. (I'm going in order of years so you don't think certain things are more important then others! lol) So we did 2001.... skip to 2004.

On September 1st my cat Paris was born, and on the 2nd was when I found her with her mom.

September 2005. Paris had her kittens but more importantly I had my precious most favorite little person ever. Arianna Mekenzie Jones.
Before she was born, I didn't really want to go anywhere where there might be someone I knew. I was embarrassed that I'd gotten pregnant. I wasn't with the babies dad, I wasn't married, and worst once I moved out of mom's some people said it was going to happen. I swore it wouldn't. I stayed abstanent (spelling lol) for a long time...actually until 2 months before I got pregnant lol) what a dummy.
But once that adorable baby came out screaming and looking at me I wanted 10 more kids. Some people asked themselves "What the hell did I get pregnany?! This hurts like crazy!"  Not me. Of couse I could have done without those horrid contractions, but the pushing was...well not easy but not bad lol.

Sept 18, 2005
 Arianna I believe is the best thing that's happened to me ever. I've become this nonstop talking person that talks to anyone now. Before that, you had to know me for me to want to talk to you and even then depending on who you were I was still shy.
Ari is the complete opposite of me. She's open and makes friends easy. I'm not worried one bit about her started school. Although she does have 2 years of preschool under her belt.

I remember, if you can believe it or not, my first day of kindergarten. I remember laying on the floor in the corner and a boy named Daniel was wearing sunglasses came up over me and started saying something. I don't remember what it was that he'd said, but for some reason I ended up thinking he was mean. I do remember playing house with the neighbor boy (who I didn't realize was my neighbor for a long time lol) and another boy. I was the mom, my neighbor was the dad and the other boy was the dog lol. Supposedly on the first day (I still don't think it was the first day, but mom insists that it was) I wasn't ready for recess to be over so I stayed on top of the big red slide until the who class had gone inside. Once I went down the slide I decided I'd better get inside. I tried to enter the door they'd gone in but it didn't look familar. Also it wouldn't open no matter how hard I pulled. An older boy tried to help me open it and he couldn't so he went on his way. I sat on a railroad tie they had out there. An older girl and someone who I assumed was her dad walked by. They asked if I was ok, and I think right after that my mom and teachers came out of a completely different set of doors further from the door I attempted to open.

Can you find me?
The boy that played 'dad' is on the bottom 3rd one in,
 and the boy that was the dog is bottom 2nd to last lol

There are a lot of birthdays in the month of September. A few of my favorite people aside from Ari.
There's my cousin Kendal on the 3rd and my best friend Darcie on the 26th. My aunt's birthday is also in Sept.

Happy September!