Monday, May 6, 2019

Silverton Manor Apartments...

You can't expect too much from apartments, can you?
You should expect to be able to live a life without constantly worried about getting a notice on your door!

I moved into my first apartment in November 2006. We live in #10. It wasn't too bad at first.
We lived there until November 2011. It definitely seemed a lot longer than that for sure.
I think it didn't help that I lived sandwiched in between Cindy, the manager. She was in everyone's business but she was also caring and checked up on people.
I think I have a bigger issue cause of my animal situation. When I moved in. I had two cats (Paris and Junior) I got a doctor note to have them rather than pay 300. A few months later, I wanted to get a dog. The problem is, there is a 2 pet limit. So I sent Junior back to live with my mom (where he was born! I wouldn't do that now!) I bought my pug puppy, and found out I had to pay a deposit on her. So I had to send her to stay with my mom until I could get the deposit ( a couple days, but mom would bring her over at night)
It got a little harder a few years later when Paris died. I brought Junior back, and he was no happy so I sent him back again! I took in a cat that was abandoned (Isabel). But Josh, the maintenance man (who threw Paris in the dumpster when he found her dead... I couldn't get her out because the day he told me he found her, was garbage day. It was so upsetting) That set me off. Isabel disappeared and I found out Josh took her to live at his Grandma's. But I had already brought home another kitten too (while we had Isabel) That was Simba. Then in June 2010 we got Ozzy the bearded dragon. We got a rabbit (Foofy) two mice, we had Cesar still. Then in September someone found a kitten and brought it over during Ari's birthday and we took her to find her a new home. We ended up keeping her when we found out we were going to be moving.
Anyways I'm going off on something so different... it was super hard having all those animals and hiding them from the nosey manager.
At the time, Cindy was the onsite manager, but the company was Guardian Management. We hated them back then.  They didn't seem to take care of the property and things were just micky moused and bandaids were put on things to fix them.
Well, we all with they were still the managers now, compared to what we have now.

Well we moved out for 2 years into a duplex. We'd still be there if the owner didn't sell it and the new owner kicked us and our neighbor out.
We were back to Silverton Manor apartments in January 2014. I did not want to come back. At all!! Sonja the onsite manager was still there. She came a while after Cindy was gone. Her husband was the maintenance man.

Now, this time when we moved in, we had two dogs (Zoe and Jack... Zoe we got when we lived in 10, after Paris died, and already had Simba)
So we had 2 dogs and 4 cats. One leopard gecko, (the other critters had passed on, the mice, rabbit, bearded dragon)
The interesting thing when we moved back to the apartments was we got the old onsite manager apartment (not the one Cindy lived in) but it used to be the only apartment with a ceiling fan, and its the only one that has this cool shelf thing at the kitchen counter. The other thing is, it has a little extra room attached to one of the bedrooms and the reason for that is because a few years ago it was not a Housing approved apartment, because the bedroom it is attached to did not have a window. So they took out a part of the office with a little window and made it part of my apartment. Confused yet?
Anyways, its got a really thin wall, so you can hear really well in the office. That back room is where we put our deep freezer and the cats.

I think the apartments might be a little more enjoyable for me if I just had my little Zoe and a cat. (I don't count the reptiles or fish as pets that I can get in trouble for)
I know I would be less stressed because that is the main thing.
But this place really is a dump.

I mean, check out these pictures:
These pictures are from my room (now its Ari's room) the first one is the "window wall" which is an "outside wall". The only walls that don't get moldy are the wall with the living room on the other side, and the short little wall close to the closet.
I have/had mentioned having mold when I lived in #10. Josh, the maintenance man told me to just wash it with bleach. I have/had and it always comes back.

condensation build up on the wall under the window.
I've constantly bleached these walls, wiped them down, painted over them. I scrubbed and bleached and painted over the wall under the window when I was about 8 months pregnant because Caius's pack and play, where he was going to be sleeping was there.
I had to get rid of the bed frame below because being against the wall the way it was, the mold was growing on it as well.

This photos below shows after they painted my door... I think this was 2016. They didn't knock to say they needed to paint near the door knob... the photo is actually upside down lol 

This photo below shows a weird bubble that showed up a few months after we moved in. I don't know why it happened but it didn't grow after this.

This one shows what happens after the yard people come and leaf blow at my front door.

In 2016, after the apartments sold, the new owner had a bunch of dry rot fixed. They tried to skimp on a lot (the next photo was a spot they tried to skip, but Juanita told them no, they needed to fix it.)
Well the construction company never gave notification of anything that they did, and whoever the management company was at the time hardly did either.
This photo shows the construction people using MY electricity. I was too timid to say anything at the time, but I told mom today (May 2, 2019) that if it happened now, after all we've put up with since then,  I would walk out there and unplug it. Not say a darn thing. Its my porch, my electricity they were using, and no they did no ask at all.
This photo was a spot they they were moving on from, I don't remember how we knew they were skipping it, but Juanita pointed out the dry rot and they ended up fixing it.

This is before they painted.. this didn't fix this.


mushrooms grow all over the outside of the buildings, especially the one at the front.

This was no biggy, but it was under my stairs, I think they were just getting the painting gear ready. This was like this for a couple days before they painted it.

My number
Mold. This is above the laundry room near out apartment.
All they did with this is paint over it.

The guy the bought the apartments, hired this guy below. He was arrested for identity theft. He had been arrested in the 90s for robbery I believe.
His arrest for the identity theft, was a very short time after the owner threw out all the tenants person info.... info that contained SSNs, birthdays, medication info, birth certificates, copies of IDs/driver's licenses, checks with the bank info. I found only 3 pieces of my info in there so I'm unsure what happened to my stuff. It was reported that more info was dumped on another property that was owned by this guy.

Just a mossy roof.
piles of rotting wood with nails... nails were everywhere!! They were everywhere.
On the sidewalks, on the pathways through the grass, in the grass.

This is actually underneath the windows of #10, my old apartment.

I have all the photos we (Juanita and I) took of all the info and tenant files that were throw out. I won't add any of that here for obvious reasons.
The owner "Santa" (Juanita calls him the Anti-Santa) His last name is Santa, I can't remember his first name, was sued $8,000, but he was only ordered to pay $4,000 and promise to never do it again.