Thursday, August 9, 2018

December 31, 1999- January 1, 2000

I've never really talked about this before or written about it, since we had to in court in July 2000 (I think that's when it was)

I don't remember a whole lot about that night. I was babysitting my siblings, two other girls and I had babysat a few times (Sam and Casey) and two boys (Jared and I forget his brother's name) Shane was in bed I think because he was pretty little still.
I only remember us goofing off, standing on eachother, making a pyramid, and I only remember all this cause we took photos.

Mom and Eddy had gone out to Frank-n-stein's bar. When they came back they had Ed with them. Eddy went to bed.
Mom played 52 pick up with us I think... somehow playing cards ended up all over the floor. Mom had been drinking so I think that's why she was ok with the cards being on the floor. I remember thinking it was weird that she was ok with that lol.
She ended up passing out on the couch. Ed stayed there and we ended up watching Dr. Doolittle (with Eddie Murphy) Jared and his brother were gone but Sam and Casey I think were asleep on the love seat. They're parents were bar tenders at Frank-N-Stein's so they wouldn't pick them up until like 5am or so.
I was sitting in the corner of the two couches. Ed was sitting somewhere beside me, on the loveseat I think on my right.
Lindsey was laying on the floor I think (I could be only thinking she was because in her story in court she was laying on the floor)
Tyler must have gone to bed because he wasn't downstairs anymore
Ed's hand ended up on my shoulder, and I thought it was a little weird. I kept wondering if it was slowly moving downward, but I wasn't sure. I kept thinking "no.. no its not."
I know I eventually ended up going upstairs. It was probably around 5am I think, but I'm not too sure on the time.

In hindsight I can't believe I left my sister downstairs by herself with him but I don't think I thought of it at the time... plus mom was on the couch.

I went to bed.

I woke up to the feeling of someone touching me... or of my Tomagotchi/Giga pet thing beeping to be fed. It was handing on a tack on my wall... I think I had two of them.
I laid there cause I did feel someone touching my leg. It was rubbing up and down my right leg. Then trying to kind of push my legs apart.... (I was laying on my stomach)
I stayed there... I'm not sure if I was scared, but I didn't move. I kept thinking, "just let it happen"
I don't remember if I had shorts on or just underwear (and a t-shirt obviously)
His hand was under my shorts, on my butt.
I don't remember how long it was until I rolled over and that's when I saw Ed sitting there.
He said he wanted to say goodbye cause he was leaving.
So I sat up and gave him a hug, and he left. This was between 6-8 am, but not totally sure...
Lindsey was in her bed, and she was awake the whole time. She kept wishing that my GigaPet thing would wake me up, but I don't think that's what woke me.
Me and Lindsey sat there and talked for a few minutes I think, but I don't know what about, and I don't remember if she told me that he'd done stuff to her downstairs, (the only thing I remember was her saying she wished that gigapet woke me up.) but we went back to sleep at some point... or at least I did cause we got woken up around 3pm!
Someone woke us up cause dad was there to take us for a while.
We went with him to Uncle Joe's. He was living in an RV behind Jim and Julie's house.
I think I remember Uncle Joe talking to Lindsey about her teacher Miss Royston.
We were there for a bit. It was a very awkward day. We went home, but I don't remember anything else about that day other than I was upstairs when Lindsey went downstairs to tell mom about what happened. Mom was cooking dinner. I don't remember what she was making, I feel like it was spaghetti. Not sure.

Tyler came up very shortly after that, and said "Ed's going to jail!" 
I think I asked "Why?"
I sat there for a long time. I had a toy horse in my hand that I had been playing with and I think my eyes teared up.
I don't remember if we were downstairs when the cops showed up or if I had to be called down, but I do remember thinking it was kind of funny that we were watching Cops on tv.

There were two cops I think. One was an Officer Shane I think.
Lindsey went first. They were in the kitchen kneeled down on the floor. Then it was my turn. I don't remember that part. I don't remember talking to the cop, but I know I did.

Ed was arrested that night. I think the police log said he was arrested somewhere on Garfield st.

The next time I saw him was in court. It was just a hearing I think. It was the first and only one I was allowed to go to cause Ed got mad at his lawyer and was yelling.
His lawyer had shared a file with my mom with all kinds of messed up stories from Ed molesting a horse when he was like 18 or 19yrs old. There was one that involved a 15 year old I think... That might have been when Ed was in the Army.
My mom shared that file with a lot of people at the bar (Frank-N-Stein's) I think she got kicked out of the bar that night.

We had to talk to a guy, our lawyer I think, called Daryl Tweed. We had to tell our stories, each one at a time, in the room with a long table. There was a woman in there too, but I don't remember her name or why she was there.
I remember Tweed said at the trial I had to dress nicely, no shirts with print on them or cartoons. I think my shirt had some sort of character on it.

The next time we went to court was the trial. Lindsey went first. Then it was my turn. That was so nerve wracking. This was the first time I had to tell the story in front of my mom and telling what had happened felt really embarrassing.
I remember Ed's lawyer, a new one cause he fired his other lawyer, asking dumb questions trying to make me sound like I was lying or something like that, so I remember trying to sound snarky a little bit.
They almost didn't count what happened to me, and I remember being upset by that. Although I never voiced it, it bothered me. Just because I was 13 and he only touched my legs (I think, but I can't remember, that I left out his hand in my pants....) I think if I had shared everything, it would have meant more.
I don't think there was a jury, I don' t remember.

Ed spent 6 years in prison. He was released in like 2006 or something. He went to Chemeketa, graduated then like 6 months after that (2011 or something) he was arrested for almost the same thing again.
He was chatting with a 13 year old online. They had both sent dirty pictures to each other. He wanted to set up to meet her at a park somewhere to have sex with her. She was ready to do it but then backed down at the last minute which pissed Ed off. He threatened her. He told her if she didn't do it, he was going to put the naked pictures of her up at school.
Ed knew where she lived and he ended up putting one up on her front door.
The girl told her parents and that's when they called the cops.
The cops set up a sting and arrested Ed at the park (it was night time)
He was sentenced for several years... he should be in his mid 70's before he's released.