Thursday, July 11, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge- July

Day 1
Write your goals for the month
Prepare for my sister's Bridal shower.
Make sure it goes really well.
Get my air conditioner in the window.
Grow a nice veggie garden
Eat healthier.
Day 2
If you could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn, what would it be?
If I'm being funny, I'd tell the new baby that going potty on the toilet is much more comfortable then going in a diaper.
Day 3
What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
The last movie I saw was with Ari, and it was The Creeds. A great movie!
Day 4
If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it bed?
I want to say, "Hmmm, that's a tough one." But it's not.
 I would rid the world of hungry.
(and since this is my blog) I'll add diseases, alcohol and other drugs, fleas, ticks and mosquitos! lol
Day 5
Post a picture of someone who made your day special
(I'll add one later!)
Day 6
If you could spend 15 minutes with a celebrity, who would it be and why?
That's easy! Ha! Chaske Spencer.
And I pick him because he's awesome!
Day 7
If you could live in any time period of the past what would it be and why.
That's a tough one. I'm happier now then I have been in a long time.
I'd like to be pregnant again. So I could do that, but this time I'd tell the doctor that I have a yeast infection! I'd also not be embarrassed, I'd like to have all the friends I have now, back then.
If I could be 24 again, and live the way I am now, I'd be really happy too.
Day 8
How do you invistion your life being in 5 years.
I'll be married with another kid. Owning a home here in Silverton Or. I don't work anymore. We are living comfortbly on the lottery winnings I won, we travel, to different places. We own a home in Idaho (close to his family)
Day 9
What's your food philosphy?
If its good, I eat it.
Day 10
Write about someone who inspires you.
This could be long, but I'll just type in the name.
Chaske Spencer.
Day 11
Write about the worst injury you've ever had.
Hmmm. It's a tie between getting a sprained ankle (apparently worse then a broken one) and a sprained hand.
Both were done on a trampoline. I don't remember which one was first, but they were in the same summer (1999).
The ankle was from jumping off the trampoline several times. It didn't affect me until the next day. I couldn't walk on my right foot. In the middle of the night one night I had to use the bathroom, and had to crawl to the bathroom. Tyler was sleeping in the living room, and got so scared. He thought I was a bear.
The wrist happened when we were playing crack the egg. I was sitting in the center. My hands flew up, then I placed them down to help catch my fall, but my hand folded probably in half under my butt. I couldn't hold anything, not even a piece of paper. I couldn't under my pants nothing for about a weekish.
Day 12.
Write about one of your biggest accomplishments in life.
I'd have to say, keeping and holding a job for over 5 years, being able to pay my bills and have my own place to live for over 5 years, and raising Ari all by myself.
Day 13 
Would you rather be rich or healthy
Hmmm. I guess if I was rich I could pay a doctor to make me healthy.
Day 14
Do you have any birth marks, scars, piercings or tattoos.
I have a lot of scars, from bug bites, falling, dogs, cats.
Day 15
What was the last good deed you did for someone/ someone did for you.
Hmmm. I guess good deeds can range from different things. I guess babysitting for my sister?
The last good deed someone did for me? Dawn gave me a ride to work lol. My mom watches my daughter for me.
Day 16
What's one thing you haven't do that other people have.
I haven't driven myself to work. lol
Day 17
Post 7 random facts about yourself.
 1.) I love dogs
2.) I'm a single mom
3.) I'd rather stay home and do things with my daughter then go to work
4.) I fear death
5.) I don't understand or believe we should have taxes
6. I love food
7. I don't ever see myself getting married
Day 18
Post a picture of the most embarrassing article of clothing you own.
I don't have a picture but I can describe it: A pair of jeans (that I just threw away today) that had holes on the inside thigh.
Day 19
Write about something or someone you really care about
Arianna. Before she was born, I was embarrased that I'd gotten pregnant, while not having a job or any type of stablility.
After she was born she was the most amazing thing to me.
I fear something happening to her. It look at her sometimes and just wonder how she is mine!
Day 20
Write about the best and worst day you've ever been on (Bonus points for both)
I've been on a couple of dates but nothing super special, I was nervous on the ones I did go on. The worst date I've had was with a neighbor. His sister came to the door and told me her brother liked me and wanted to ask me out. I wanted to say no, but had no reason to, so I said yes. We were going to go on a double date. Me, him (forgot his name lol) his sister and her husband. We went to see Alice in Wonderland (2009?). He was nice but after we got home, we stood in the parking lot and his sister (who was 8 months pregnant) said she couldn't wait to not be pregnant again so she could start smoking pot again and she wanted to get a medical marajuana card. And he was talking about smoking too. I didn't talk much to him after that.
Day 21
What are your thoughts on body image in the media.
I think that magazines and paparazi (spelling) needs to stop making people feel like they should look a certain way. That if you're not a certain size you're not good enough.
That woman who give birth should be back to their normal size very shortly after birth.
I also hate that show "what not to wear" is a bad show. It's telling people pretty much that you should really only wear fashionty type clothes and make you look rich, and not what you really enjoy wearing.
Day 22
What are your 3 biggest pet peeves
1). People who get a new pet, then shortly after (whether its a day or year later) they get rid of it because it's no longer cute, and small or something along those lines.