Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011


I havent' blogged in forever! And I keep meaning to come back and update and add some pictures, but I just put it off. It's all Bones' fault! hehe...
I've been watching Bones just about constantly. I'm finally on the last season, well season 5 anyways. Next I was told to check out Vampire Diaries. :)

   So since last time I blogged we had Thanksgiving. It was great, and I should be happy about this, but I didn't pig out like I normally do. I didn't have enough turkey and ham. Thats ok though! Cause Christmas is coming, and we're having it at our new house.

Thanksgiving at mom's--- the goodies before the meal. This is what I always end up filling up on.

Thanksgiving at Aunt Sandy's house was fun. It amazes me to see how much my little cousins (and brother) and grown. To me they should still be like 5 or 6 years old. Now They are between 17 and 15.

Oh yeah, we haven't moved YET. Still waiting on the inspection and an appointment to go in... not sure what that will be about.

Wow! She's grown a lot since we got her in Sept.

     We've come up with a name for a kitten we were not going to keep. After 2 months of having her we finally named her Kiara. She doesn't feel like a Kiara, but I didn't want to name Simba, Simba, and that stuck lol.

Dad and Karla came down for a day. We went to the Olive Garden. That was a lot of fun. We didn't spend a lot of time together since we all had to work.
Mom, me, Darcie and Mondo went to see the much waited for Breaking Dawn on the 19th. I loved it. It was great. My hands got sweaty when Chaske came onto the screen.
Mom and I went and saw it a second time on the 20th. We wanted to see it again cause it was so good, but also because there were kids screaming and talking through a lot of it. It was better the second time!
We went right after I got off work, and Ari was going to stay with Grandpa and Karla.
The new kitty disappeared that night and mom couldn't find her anywhere. Finally after 3 hrs of looking for her, I text dad to ask if Ari happened to take the cat with her. Turned out she left her in her baby dresser. Ari was so worried dad and Karla brought her home. Good thing Shane was there cause me and mom were at the movies.

On the 23rd we lost Pawsom. She was 10 years old, almost 11 (on March 23rd) We got her from Mrs. Traeger at Kennedy highschool when I was a sophomore. Eddy came to town (from Scotts Mills---oh yeah did I mention that mom and Eddy and Shane moved to Scotts Mills? No? Well, they did!) anyways Eddy was sad I could tell. He told me and then Lindsey. I guess Shane didn't seem too bothered by it. I thought for sure he'd be upset, she was his cat! Mom was even upset even though she was always saying she couldn't wait for the cat to die. Obviously she didn't mean it! :)

So, just waiting on being able to move. I can't wait! When we move in we're gunna put up Christmas decorations right away. I hope we are out of this apartment by the 30th but that's 2 days away, and I don't see that happening.
I've got Ari a couple of gifts for Christmas already.

Oh yeah, another horrible thing. I've got puppy fever. :( Sounds bad right? That's cause it is!
   You don't know what that is? Well, it means that I'm really wanting a puppy.
But don't worry friends!!! That's not happening. Not anytime soon anyways. I keep my fix under control by cuddling with Zoe, or looking at videos on my computer :) 

TTFN  :)